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发布时间:2018-02-01 12:29

  本文关键词: 风力机叶片 结冰监测 压电陶瓷 小波包能量 除冰技术 连续碳纤维 出处:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,为了满足日益增长的能源需求,风电作为一种公认的可再生能源在大多数发展中国家已经得到了快速的发展。对风电场建设方面的资金投入,也有了显著的增长。然而,安装在寒冷地区或高海拔地区的风机在冬季运行时经常遭遇结冰气候。风机叶片覆冰会显著影响叶片的气动性能从而导致电力生产损失以及由于覆冰增加所产生的不对称荷载引发的机械故障,甚至可能导致停机。为保障安装在寒冷地区的风机冬季结冰气候下正常运行,本文提出了一种风机叶片覆冰监测方法和防冰除冰技术,并进行相关试验研究。具体工作如下: (1)提出了一种基于压电陶瓷技术的风机叶片覆冰监测方法,利用模型叶片上的压电陶瓷作为驱动器和传感器进行了在不同覆冰厚度下的覆冰监测试验研究,,采用小波包能量分析方法对信号数据进行分析。试验结果表明:接收信号的小波包能量值随结冰厚度的增加而降低。因此,根据小波包能量值的变化便可以实现被测结构结冰监测的目的。 (2)开展碳纤维复合材料电阻稳定性试验研究,从树脂浸润及温度变化两方面分别考察复合材料电阻的稳定性。试验结果表明,碳纤维复合材料电阻具有一定的稳定性,为其在风力机叶片防除冰中的应用提供了可靠保证。 (3)开展叶片比例模型在常温及低温(冰柜内)静止条件下的防冰除冰试验,研究在不同环境温度、不同通电电压下模型叶片的静态温升以及融冰效果。试验结果表明,通电后叶片模型发热迅速稳定,而且叶片表面的温度场分布均匀,具有很好的防冰和融冰效果。 (4)设计制作一个由电动机驱动的风机模型,在模拟寒冷试验室内开展了不同环境温度、不同转速和不同输入电压下的防冰和除冰试验。结果表明,在旋转状态下能够实现防冰和除冰的要求,并且叶片表面温度沿根部到叶尖部依次降低,因此叶尖部的温度相对较低,属于重点防冰区域。
[Abstract]:In recent years, in order to meet the growing demand for energy, wind power as a renewable energy recognized in most developing countries have achieved rapid development. The wind farm construction funds, also has a significant growth. However, the fan is installed in the cold areas or high altitude areas often encountered in freezing weather operation in winter. Ice fan blades will significantly affect the performance of the blade can lead to loss of production power and mechanical failure caused by asymmetric load increase caused by icing, may even lead to downtime. In order to ensure the installation of fan in cold winter ice run normal climate, this paper puts forward a kind of wind blade icing monitoring method and anti icing and deicing technology, and related experimental research. The specific work is as follows:
(1) proposed a wind turbine blade icing monitoring method based on piezoelectric ceramic technology, the use of piezoelectric ceramics on the blade model as actuators and sensors of icing monitoring test in different ice thickness, using wavelet packet energy analysis method for signal data analysis. Experimental results show that receiving a signal of the wavelet packet energy decreased with the increase of ice thickness. Therefore, according to the change of the wavelet packet energy values can be measured structure icing monitoring purposes.
(2) to carry out the experimental study on the stability of composite carbon fiber resistance, stability of composite resistance from the two aspects of resin infiltration and temperature respectively. The experimental results show that the resistance of carbon fiber composite material has certain stability, provide a reliable guarantee for its application in wind turbine blade in ice.
(3) to carry out the leaf scale model in room temperature and low temperature (freezer) anti icing and deicing test under static condition, research in different environmental temperature, different power voltage under the static temperature model of blade rise and ice melting effect. The experimental results show that after the electricity heating blade model is rapid and stable, and the blade surface the temperature field is uniform and has good anti icing and ice melting effect.
(4) to design a blower driven by an electric motor model, simulation test was carried out in the cold room temperature, anti icing of different speed and different input voltages and de icing test. The results show that to achieve anti icing and deicing requirements under rotating state, and temperature along the blade surface in order to reduce the root to the tip, so the tip temperature is relatively low, belonging to the anti icing area.



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