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发布时间:2018-02-05 03:40

  本文关键词: 农村地区 主成分分析 层次分析法 低压配电网 能效指标体系 出处:《农业工程学报》2014年16期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In order to understand the overall energy efficiency of the rural low-voltage distribution network, based on the analysis of the status quo of the distribution network energy efficiency index, the evaluation index system and comprehensive evaluation model of the rural low-voltage distribution network energy efficiency are established. According to the relevant standards and specifications, a set of evaluation index system suitable for the energy efficiency characteristics of rural low-voltage distribution network is established from the aspects of power network structure, power network equipment, power quality and so on. Then, the calculation method of single energy efficiency index is determined and a comprehensive evaluation model of rural low voltage distribution network energy efficiency based on principal component analysis and analytic hierarchy process is proposed, which overcomes the shortcomings of single weighting method. The objectivity of energy efficiency index is combined with the subjectivity of expert qualitative analysis, which makes the evaluation result more reasonable. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of the evaluation method are verified by a numerical example, which provides a reference for the implementation of energy-saving transformation and energy saving assessment in rural low-voltage distribution network in China in the future.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院;中国电力科学研究院用电与能效研究所;
【正文快照】: 0引言在当前能源供应日趋紧张的形势下,评估配电网的能效变得越来越重要。尤其中国农村低压配电网普遍存在设备陈旧、网络布局和结构严重不合理的情况,在能效提升方面具有很大的空间。对农村低压配电网能效进行科学有效的综合评价,能够全面了解农村低压配电网的整体能效情况,


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