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发布时间:2018-02-08 22:28

  本文关键词: 输变电工程 安全管理 PDCA 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电能是重要清洁能源,电力是国民经济发展的基础保障。改革开放以来,尤其是近10年,我国经济的高速发展,电力能源出现日益紧缺的状况。为此,国家电网加大了电力的建设,输变电工程项目的数量激增,而且很多电力建设工程项目的施工周期也在不断的压缩,这就导致了电力建设安全问题不断出现。因此,在输变电工程项目中,构建一套科学合理的安全管理模式显得尤为重要。 本文首先对国内外工程项目安全管理进行了分析和研究,结合我国的国情以及输变电工程项目的特点,分析了当前的输变电工程项目的管理现状、面临的问题,并提出了改进方向。其次,结合PDCA循环的特征与输变电工程安全管理流流的需要,构建了相应的输变电工程项目安全管理模式,提出了安全管理组织结构体系与安全管理制度体系是展开安全管理模式的奠基石,并对这两点展开了研究。然后将该安全管理模式分解为两部分,分别为风险管理与目标管理,最后,对这两部分内容展开了研究,将风险管理在危险辨识、风险评级以及风险控制方面展开研究;将目标管理分解为人、机、料、法、环五个分目标,并构建了评价体系,采用模糊综合评价方法评价各个分目标,一切都以提升目标评价值为导向,根据评价结果不断调整分目标,将整个安全管理模式处在PDCA循环不断的改善提升,最终达到提升安全管理水平的效果。
[Abstract]:Electric energy is an important clean energy and electric power is the basic guarantee for the development of national economy. Since the reform and opening up, especially in the past 10 years, with the rapid development of economy in our country, there is an increasing shortage of power energy. The State Grid has increased the construction of electric power, the number of transmission and transformation projects has increased sharply, and the construction cycle of many electric power construction projects has been continuously compressed, which has led to the continuous emergence of security problems in electric power construction. In the transmission and transformation project, it is very important to construct a set of scientific and reasonable safety management mode. This paper firstly analyzes and studies the safety management of engineering projects at home and abroad, and analyzes the current situation and problems of the management of transmission and transformation projects according to the national conditions of our country and the characteristics of transmission and transformation projects. Secondly, according to the characteristics of PDCA cycle and the need of safety management flow of transmission and transformation project, the corresponding safety management mode of transmission and transformation project is constructed. This paper puts forward that the security management organizational structure system and the security management system system are the foundation stone of the security management mode, and studies these two aspects. Then, the security management model is divided into two parts, risk management and target management, respectively. Finally, the paper studies the risk management in the aspects of risk identification, risk rating and risk control, and divides the goal management into five sub-objectives: human, machine, material, method, ring, and constructs the evaluation system. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate each sub-goal, all of which is guided by the promotion of the evaluation value of the goal. According to the evaluation results, the whole safety management mode is constantly improved in the PDCA cycle, and the sub-goal is adjusted continuously according to the evaluation results. Finally, the effect of improving the level of safety management is achieved.


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