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发布时间:2018-02-09 16:37

  本文关键词: 光伏并网 保护 重合闸 孤岛效应 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着全球资源和环境压力的增大,能源危机也日益严峻,可再生能源作为一种清洁环保的能源,被大力发展已经成为一种趋势。当前配电网中,可再生能源等分布式发电单元的数量已在不断的增加,同时用户对电能质量的要求也不断的提升,建设一个安全可靠、环保经济的配电网是我们努力的方向。光伏发电具有可再生、无污染、安装方便等优点,对环境的适应性相对别的可再生性能源也更强,一定会成为未来智能配电网中一种重要的微电源。 这篇论文以杭州能源产业园的并网光伏发电站为研究对象,主要针对光伏并网后系统中容易产生的问题如发电量的无规律的变化、频率异常、对系统故障电流的影响、孤岛效应等问题。利用合作单位在实验室建立的仿真平台模拟光伏电站的模型,分析这个光伏电站的实际运行数据,模拟公共连接点的电压和频率的波动情况,研究分析光伏电站的输出电流谐波对配电线路其他负荷的影响,并重点分析了光伏电站并网后故障点短路电流的变化,以及对配电网保护和重合闸的配置方式的研究应用,探索光伏电站发生供电孤岛时电压和频率的变化以及光伏电站构成可孤岛运行微电网的方案,为今后结合并网光伏电站建设自治可控的微电网提供理论基础。
[Abstract]:With the increasing pressure of global resources and environment, the energy crisis is becoming more and more serious. As a kind of clean and environmentally friendly energy, renewable energy has been vigorously developed into a trend. The number of distributed power generation units, such as renewable energy, has been increasing, and the demand for power quality has also been rising, so as to build a safe and reliable power generation unit. The distribution network of environmental protection and economy is the direction of our efforts. Photovoltaic power generation has the advantages of renewable, pollution-free, convenient installation and so on, and has stronger adaptability to the environment than other renewable energy sources. It will become an important micro power source in the future smart distribution network. This paper takes the grid-connected photovoltaic power station in Hangzhou Energy Industry Park as the research object. It mainly aims at the problems that are easy to produce in the system after the photovoltaic grid connection, such as the irregular change of the generation quantity, the abnormal frequency, and the influence on the fault current of the system. Using the simulation platform established by the cooperative unit in the laboratory to simulate the model of the photovoltaic power station, analyze the actual operation data of the photovoltaic power station, simulate the fluctuation of the voltage and frequency of the common connection point, The influence of output current harmonics of photovoltaic power station on other load of distribution line is analyzed, and the variation of fault point short-circuit current after connection of photovoltaic power station is analyzed, and the research and application of distribution network protection and reclosure configuration mode are also discussed. This paper explores the variation of voltage and frequency when the photovoltaic power station is isolated from the island and the scheme that the photovoltaic power station can operate on the isolated island, which provides a theoretical basis for the future construction of autonomous and controllable microgrid combined with grid-connected photovoltaic power station.


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