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发布时间:2018-02-09 19:44

  本文关键词: 燃料电池 氧气还原反应 铂基催化剂 第一性原理研究 出处:《吉林大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:由于全球能源需求的不断增加,化石燃料的持续消耗以及环境污染的日益严重,人们渴望寻找一种新型可持续的清洁能源。在此基础上,氢能经济的概念应运而生,为我们描绘了一幅美好的前景。以太阳能作为能量的输入,一部分通过太阳能电池直接发电,另一部分通过光催化分解水,产生氢气和氧气。氢气进行储存,而氧气直接释放进入空气中。当夜晚来临时,通过燃料电池,以氢气作为燃料,将化学能转化为电能,而最终的产物是水。在这个过程中,水循化使用,对环境完全没有负担。为了实现这一梦想,燃料电池作为三大技术之一,其商业化至关重要。 目前,质子交换膜燃料电池商业化的障碍在于阴极氧气还原反应催化剂Pt/C纳米颗粒活性低以及稳定性差。其中活性低是由于含O中间产物强吸附所导致的,而稳定性差则来源于在电化学循环过程中Pt纳米颗粒的粗化,使得电化学活性表面损失。此外,值得一提的是,Pt昂贵的价格也是目前燃料电池无法大规模商业化的主要原因之一。根据2007年美国能源部的数据,燃料电池56%的成本来源于这种贵金属。而且近些年来,Pt的价格持续上升,这将进一步增加燃料电池的成本。 为了克服这些缺点,在过去的几十年里,人们一直致力于开发新型的氧气还原反应催化剂。一种行之有效的方法就是合金化,这意味着配位基效应以及应变效应将会对表面Pt原子的催化性能进行改善。除此之外,人们意识到Pt纳米颗粒作为催化剂时,核心Pt原子是无法利用的。那么,如何利用这些内部的原子,成为人们兴趣所在。在此基础上,纳米结构工程成为一种可行的手段。 在本文中,采用第一性原理计算方法,通过合金化的方式,设计了新型Pt3Al合金催化剂。为了进一步提高Pt的利用率,在Pt-Al合金体系的前提下,通过纳米结构优化的方式,提出了一种极限结构,即Al13@Pt42核壳纳米团簇,作为氧气还原反应的催化剂。但是,由于电化学工作环境的恶劣,并不能确定这种团簇是否具有良好的稳定性。那么,是否存在某种特殊Pt纳米结构,可作为催化剂材料,,并且能够有效地利用Pt。基于这种考虑,设计了Z型石墨烯纳米带支撑的Pt单原子纳米线结构。研究的结果主要分为三个部分,如下所示: 首先,基于Greeley等人的研究结果,我们研究了Pt3Al合金作为氧气还原反应催化剂的稳定性以及活性。Pt-Al之间形成强共价键,这种共价键的形成有利于提高合金在电化学环境中的动力学稳定性。另一方面,Al-3p与Pt-5d之间的轨道杂化,改变了表面Pt原子的d带,即相比于Pt(111),Pt3Al/Pt(111)的d带中心下降了0.16eV,从而弱化了Pt3Al/Pt(111)的吸附能力。值得一提的是,O以及OH在Pt3Al/Pt(111)上的吸附能对应于火山口曲线的顶端,这暗示着Pt3Al金属间合金化合物具有优异的催化性能。基于自由能图,氧气还原反应的速率控制步骤由Pt(111)的OH*移除转变为Pt3Al/Pt(111)的OOH*形成,在0.9V电势下,其反应能垒从Pt(111)的0.15eV降低为Pt3Al/Pt(111)的0.11eV。反应能垒的降低进一步说明Pt3Al合金具有优异的催化活性。模拟结果与实验数据相吻合。高活性以及高稳定性Pt3Al合金催化剂的出现,意味着打破目前Pt基合金的局限。即,从合金元素来说,从过渡族金属元素以及贵金属元素转变主族元素;从电子层面来说,从d-d相互作用转变为d-p相互作用。 其次,研究了Al13@Pt42合金作为氧气还原反应催化剂的稳定性以及活性。类似于Pt3Al金属间化合物,对于Al13@Pt42核壳结构的团簇,Al的3p轨道与Pt的5d轨道之间存在强的相互作用。与纯Pt55相比,具有优异的稳定性。由于Pt-Al共价键的形成,有效活化了低配位Pt边界原子,即O的吸附能位于最优区域[比Pt(111)弱0.0-0.4eV],而且不存在OH中毒现象。这使得Pt原子的利用率达到70%。此外,由于团簇结构与Pt(111)完全不同,因此进一步研究了氧气还原反应的动力学机制。在这里,考虑了O2解离的机制以及OOH相关的机制。计算的结果表明,对于团簇而言,其氧气还原反应的机制为O2解离机制,速率控制步骤为O和H反应形成OH,其反应能垒为0.59eV,接近于Pt(111)的0.50eV。 最后,研究了Z型石墨烯纳米带支撑的Pt单原子纳米线结构(Pt-GNR)作为氧气还原反应催化剂的活性。由于Pt的5d轨道与C的2p轨道之间存在强相互作用,Pt原子被固定于石墨烯纳米带的边界。此外,通过第一性原理分子动力学的研究表明,Pt单原子纳米线在边界上具有优异的稳定性,不存在Pt原子团聚的现象。关于活性方面,由于低配位,Pt-GNR倾向于被OH*以及H2O*所覆盖,这种结构被定义为cPt-GNR。通过自由能图,这种水合Pt单原子纳米线cPt-GNR具有优异的催化活性。氧气还原反应的平衡电势为0.82V。当电势超过0.82V时,速率控制步骤为OOH*的形成,其自由能垒不超过0.41eV。计算的结果暗示,对于次纳米级的Pt基催化剂,由于低配位原子的高反应活性以及共吸附性能,氧气还原反应真正的催化剂可能是金属氧化物或者是水解的金属氧化物。
[Abstract]:As a result of the increasing global energy demand , the continued consumption of fossil fuels and the increasing environmental pollution , people are eager to find a new and sustainable clean energy source . On this basis , the concept of hydrogen energy economy is born and a good prospect is drawn . In this process , hydrogen and oxygen are generated by direct power generation by solar cells , and the final product is water . In this process , water is used as fuel , and the environment is completely unburden . In order to realize this dream , fuel cells are one of the three technologies , and its commercialization is very important . Currently , the commercialization of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell is characterized by low activity of Pt / C nanoparticles and poor stability of the cathode oxygen reduction reaction catalyst . The low activity is due to the strong adsorption of the O - intermediate product , and the poor stability is due to the roughening of the Pt nanoparticles during the electrochemical cycle , so that the electrochemically active surface is lost . In addition , it is worth mentioning that the cost of the fuel cell 56 % is derived from this noble metal due to the data of the U.S . Department of Energy in 2007 . And , in recent years , the price of Pt continues to rise , which will further increase the cost of the fuel cell . In order to overcome these disadvantages , in the past few decades people have been working to develop a new type of oxygen reduction reaction catalyst . An effective method is alloying , which means that the coordination group effect and the strain effect will improve the catalytic performance of the surface Pt atoms . In addition , it is recognized that the core Pt atoms are not available when the Pt nanoparticles act as catalysts . In this paper , a novel Pt3Al alloy catalyst is designed by means of the first principle calculation method . In order to further improve the utilization rate of Pt , a limit structure is proposed in order to further improve the utilization rate of Pt . In order to further improve the utilization rate of Pt , a limit structure , namely Al13@Pt42 core - shell nanocluster , is proposed as a catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction . However , the Pt single - atom nanowire structure supported by Z - type graphene nanoribbons can be effectively utilized due to the poor electrochemical working environment . First , based on the results of Greeley et al . , we studied the stability of Pt3Al alloy as an oxygen reduction reaction catalyst and the activity of Pt3Al / Pt ( 111 ) . The stability and activity of Al13@Pt42 alloy as catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction were studied . The mechanism of oxygen reduction reaction was 70 % . The mechanism of oxygen reduction reaction was 70 % . The results show that the oxygen reduction reaction mechanism is O2 dissociation mechanism , and the reaction energy of Pt atoms is 0 . 59eV , which is close to 0.50 eV of Pt ( 111 ) . The Pt - GNR , which is supported by Z - type graphene nanoribbons , is used as the catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction . Pt atoms are immobilized on the boundary of the graphene nanoribbons due to strong interaction between the 5d orbit of Pt and the 2p orbital of C . In addition , the Pt - GNR has excellent catalytic activity on the boundary due to the strong interaction between the 5d orbit of Pt and the 2p orbital of C .



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