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发布时间:2018-02-12 13:19

  本文关键词: 矩量法 多层快速多极子方法 MPI OpenMP 高阶基函数 金属介质混合目标 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the application of high frequency electromagnetic wave is more and more extensive. In the field of electromagnetism, the electromagnetic scattering characteristic analysis of superelectrically large target is becoming more and more important. As a fast algorithm for electromagnetic problem analysis, multilayer fast multipole method has low complexity. High computational accuracy has become an important means and research hotspot in analyzing electrically large size scattering radiation. In this paper, the fine granularity multithread parallelism based on OpenMP and the coarse-grained multiprocess parallelism based on MPI are studied in detail. Considering that higher order basis functions only need less unknowns and memory requirements while preserving the accuracy and convergence of computation, higher order basis functions are further introduced into parallel multilayer fast multipole subprograms. Improving the ability to solve the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of electrically large and superelectrically large targets on the same computing platform. The analysis of electromagnetic scattering characteristics of metal dielectric mixed structures is very important to the analysis of stealth characteristics of military targets. Therefore, the numerical analysis method based on the decent integral equation is applied to the parallelization of multilayer fast multipole, which provides an effective basis for the analysis of the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of the target in a faster and better way. This paper briefly introduces the theoretical basis of the multilayer fast multipole algorithm, the method of moments, and describes the software and hardware environment required for the parallel computing process. The programming model based on MPI and OpenMP used in the development process and the evaluation standard to measure the efficiency of parallelism are described in detail. Secondly, In this paper, the multilayer fast multipole method of accelerating the moment vector multiplication in solving the integral equation is analyzed in detail. For the program development of parallel algorithm, from the decision of the basis function to the establishment of the multilayer model, and then to the nearby group impedance, The completion of preprocessing such as transfer factor, and the realization of the final iterative process of moment vector multiplication, are all analyzed effectively, in order to obtain efficient computation speed and sufficient parallelism. A lot of effective work has been done. For example, the basis function decision realizes the parallel of MPI and OpenMP, the transfer factor is treated separately according to the difference between the transition layers, the preparation for efficient iterative solution, and so on. Based on curved triangular patch to simulate the surface of scatterer, the new traveling standing wave basis function and parallel multilayer fast multipole algorithm are effectively combined to realize the effective analysis of the scattering characteristics of superelectrically large objects. Finally, because of the practical engineering application, The electromagnetic characteristics of electrically large targets with mixed metal media have been a hot topic for many scholars. In this paper, the method of moments based on the decent integral equation is combined with the parallel multilayer fast multipole method. The electromagnetic scattering problem of metal mixed target in complex medium is solved efficiently.


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