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发布时间:2018-02-14 00:10

  本文关键词: 能量采集器 风速 压电 自供能 无线传感 出处:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:传统电池尺寸大、需定时更换或充电、对使用环境要求高且污染环境,不能很好地满足无线传感网络等的需求。将环境中的能量转化为电能的微能源是解决无线传感节点供电的一种理想方案。风能是环境中广泛存在的一种可再生清洁能源,微型风能采集器已成为国内外微能源研究的热点之一。目前国内外在基于微型风能采集器的无线传感节点方面成果很少,开展相关研究具有重要的学术价值与示范作用。 针对气象观测、煤矿/隧道运行状况监测等的需求,论文设计了一种基于微型压电能量采集器的无线风速监测节点。在课题组前期研究基础上研制出一个自供能的无线风速监测节点,该节点包括两个基于风致振动机理和压电效应的微型风能采集器,其中一个用于供电,另一个用于风速测量,根据采集器振动频率的变化实现对风速的测量。论文的研究工作主要包括: (1)分析总结了基于微型能量采集器的无线传感节点的国内外研究现状与发展趋势,进行了自供能无线风速监测节点的方案设计; (2)完成了带谐振腔的压电能量采集器的结构设计和原理样机制作,,以及MEMS风速测量单元的工艺流程设计与微结构加工; (3)完成了测量压电能量采集器振动频率的电路设计,通过MSP430F149微控制器和nRF24L01无线收发模块实现了环境振动频率和风速的无线监测; (4)制作了由LTC3588-1芯片和LT3009稳压器组成的电源管理电路,将能量采集器输出的交流电转换为直流电,实现了为微控制器等模块电路供电的目的; (5)实验结果表明,自供能的无线风速监测节点在风速为12m/s时,每隔80s发送一次所测风速,灵敏度为1.86Hz/(m/s);MEMS风速测量单元在10.2m/s风速下产生了12Hz的谐振频率偏移,灵敏度为1.18Hz/(m/s)。
[Abstract]:The traditional cell size, timing change or charge, the use of high environmental requirements and environmental pollution, can not meet the needs of wireless sensor networks. In the environment of energy into micro electrical energy is an ideal scheme for wireless sensor node power supply. Wind energy is a renewable clean energy exists the environment, micro wind energy harvester has become one of the hotspots in the research of micro energy at home and abroad. At home and abroad based on the micro wind energy harvester wireless sensor node has very few results, academic value and an important role in the demonstration research.
According to the meteorological observation, coal mine / tunnel monitoring the operation status of the demand, this paper designs a wireless monitoring node speed micro piezoelectric energy harvester was developed. Based on the wireless monitoring node of a wind energy in our research group on the basis of the two node based on micro wind energy harvester vibration mechanism and pressure electric effect, one for power supply, another for wind speed measurement, according to the measurement of the wind speed can change the vibration frequency of the collector. The work of this thesis mainly includes:
(1) summarizes the wireless sensor node micro energy harvester at home and abroad on the current situation and development trend of design based on self powered wireless monitoring node for wind speed;
(2) completed the structure design and prototype making of the piezoelectric energy harvester with resonant cavity, as well as the process design and microstructure processing of MEMS wind speed measurement unit.
(3) completed the circuit design of measuring the vibration frequency of piezoelectric energy harvester, and realized the wireless monitoring of environmental vibration frequency and wind speed through MSP430F149 microcontroller and nRF24L01 wireless transceiver module.
(4) a power management circuit composed of LTC3588-1 chip and LT3009 regulator is made, which converts the AC output from the energy harvester to DC power, and realizes the purpose of supplying power to the microcontroller module circuit.
(5) the experimental results show that the wireless monitoring node of self powered wind speed when the wind speed was 12m/s, every 80s sent a wind speed sensor, the sensitivity is 1.86Hz/ (m/s); MEMS wind speed measuring unit produces resonance frequency offset in 12Hz 10.2m/s wind speed, the sensitivity is 1.18Hz/ (m /s).



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