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发布时间:2018-02-15 02:26

  本文关键词: 校园路灯系统 远程监控 物联网技术 ZigBee技术 GPRS技术 出处:《南京林业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着高新科技产品的迅速崛起,公共设施的发展也逐渐融合了更加先进的技术。近年来,由于路灯监控系统与人们的生活密不可分,其发展也越来越受社会大众的重视。在路灯监控系统的发展过程中存在一些问题,例如传统的路灯监控系统布线复杂,发现故障主要靠维修人员定期巡检或者由路人上报故障,控制方式比较单一、不灵活,不能实现远程监控功能等等,这在现代化飞速发展的当今社会越来越不能满足实际需要。 针对传统路灯监控系统的上述问题,本文将以实现校园路灯系统的远程监控为目的,以校园路灯系统为研究对象,融合了ZigBee技术,GPRS技术,传感器技术,单片机技术,ARM技术等,研制出一套由路灯终端,监控终端以及监控中心组成的校园路灯监控系统。本系统采用的无线通讯技术,解决了传统路灯通讯需要大量布线的问题,同时建立了远程监控网络,使得对路灯的监测与控制不受地域的限制。 对路灯的远程监测功能是指路灯终端传感器采集路灯的状态,并将采集到的数据通过ZigBee无线网络传送给监控终端ZigBee模块,监控终端主控制器进行数据的整合,最终由监控终端的GPRS模块将数据通过GPRS网络传输至监控中心,在监控中心由VB设计的界面实现路灯状态的显示,,或者通过手机终端接收短信显示等,从而实现路灯的远程监测功能。 而对路灯的远程控制功能是指由监控中心的上位机界面或者手机终端发送命令,监控终端的GPRS模块负责接收,监控终端主控制器对该命令进行处理,并通过监控终端ZigBee模块将相应的控制命令帧发送给路灯终端,实现路灯的远程控制功能。 本系统进行了硬件设备的设计与搭建,并编写了软件,最后对硬件部分和软件部分进行了多次调试,各部分均能正常运行,路灯终端和监控终端ZigBee模块之间能正常通讯,GPRS模块能将信息发送给监控中心,通过手机向监控终端发送命令能控制路灯终端路灯的状态,系统基本达到预期的目的。
[Abstract]:With the rapid rise of high-tech products, the development of public facilities are also gradual integration of more advanced technology. In recent years, the street lamp monitoring system and people's life are inseparable, its development is also more and more public attention. There are some problems in the development process of street lamp monitoring system, such as the traditional street lamp monitoring system wiring complex, find fault mainly by regular inspection or maintenance personnel from passers-by reported failure, control is relatively simple, not flexible, can not realize the function of remote monitoring and so on, in the modernization of the rapid development of the society more and more can not meet the actual needs.
Aiming at the problem of traditional street lamp monitoring system, this paper will be to realize remote monitoring of Campus Lighting System for the purpose of taking the campus streetlight system as the research object, the integration of ZigBee technology, GPRS technology, sensor technology, SCM technology, ARM technology, developed by a street lamp terminal, campus streetlight monitoring system monitoring terminal and monitoring the center of the composition. The system uses wireless communication technology to solve the traditional street communication requires a lot of routing problems, while establishing a remote monitoring network, the monitoring and control on the street without geographical restrictions.
The remote monitoring function of the street lamp terminal refers to the sensor to collect the lamp, and the collected data is transmitted by ZigBee wireless network to the monitoring terminal ZigBee monitoring terminal module, main controller for data integration, and ultimately by the GPRS module monitoring terminal data transmitted through the GPRS network to the monitoring center, the monitoring center by the design of VB interface to achieve the display of the State Street, or receive messages through the mobile phone terminal display, remote monitoring function to realize the street lamp.
The remote control function of the lamp is defined by the interface of the host computer or mobile phone terminal to send commands to the monitoring center of the monitoring terminal, the GPRS module is responsible for receiving, monitoring terminal controller for processing the command, and through the monitoring terminal ZigBee module will send the corresponding control command frame to street terminal, remote control functions of lamps.
This system has been designed and built the hardware, and the software, the hardware and software part of a number of debugging, all parts of the normal operation, between the street terminal and monitoring terminal module of ZigBee normal communication, GPRS module can send the information to the monitoring center through the mobile phone to send the monitoring terminal command can control the lamp lamp terminal state, the system achieves the desired purpose.



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