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发布时间:2018-02-17 05:51

  本文关键词: 本质安全型 防爆电气 电源设计 电路设计 火花放电 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:石油、化学等行业,,在生产、加工、运输和贮存产品的过程中,可能会因为生产或者工艺的需要,出现泄漏或溢散出各种各样的易燃易爆气体和易挥发可燃性液体的情况。而这类物质与空气混合后,就可能形成具有爆炸危险的混合物,当混合物的浓度达到爆炸浓度范围时,一旦出现点燃源就可能引起火灾甚至发生爆炸事故,因此在这类危险环境中使用的电气设备都必须是经过专业机构认证的符合相应等级的防爆电气。 本课题介绍了国内外防爆标准的差异,明确分析不同种类防爆型式的要求和特点。以本质安全型防爆电气为例,总结国家标准与国际标准的差异,分析防爆电气设计使用的发展趋势,通过大量实际检测试验,总结本质安全型防爆电气的设计使用方法和要点,完善现在国内防爆电气的设计理念。 研究内容:简要分析多种防爆电气的设计原理、实际应用,以本质安全型防爆电气的标准“GB3836.4-2010爆炸性环境第4部分:由本质安全型“i”保护的设备”为依据,重点分析本质安全型防爆电气的设计与应用,根据现本质安全型防爆电气设计应用的实际情况,解决本质安全型电气防爆设计的实际问题。系统的研究了本质安全型防爆电气的电源部分,包括独立电源和外接电源的设计方法和试验步奏。系统的研究了电路中火花放电问题,研究了电阻性电路、电感性电路和电容性电路设计与试验步奏。 以上研究适用于所有本质安全型防爆电气,本论文以一个本质安全型气体采样分析仪的防爆设计为例,根据本论文所论述的要求,重点分析本质安全型防爆电气的保护措施及解决了本质安全型气体采样分析仪设计使用方面的问题。
[Abstract]:In the production, processing, transportation and storage of products in petroleum, chemical and other industries, it may be necessary to produce or process products. Leakage or spillage of a wide variety of flammable and explosive gases and volatile flammable liquids. When such substances are mixed with air, a mixture with explosive risk may be formed, when the concentration of the mixture reaches the explosive concentration range, Once the ignition source appears, it may cause fire or even explosion accident, so the electrical equipment used in this kind of dangerous environment must be certified by the professional organization and accord with the corresponding grade of explosion-proof electricity. This paper introduces the differences of explosion protection standards at home and abroad, and analyzes the requirements and characteristics of different explosion proof types. Taking intrinsically safe explosion-proof electricity as an example, the differences between national standards and international standards are summarized. This paper analyzes the development trend of explosion-proof electrical design, summarizes the design methods and main points of intrinsically safe explosion-proof electrical design through a large number of practical testing tests, and perfects the present design concept of explosion-proof electric apparatus in China. Research contents: brief analysis of the design principle and practical application of various explosion-proof electrical systems, based on the standard "GB3836.4-2010 explosive environment" part 4: equipment protected by intrinsically safe type "I". The design and application of intrinsically safe explosion-proof electrical system are emphatically analyzed. According to the actual situation of the design and application of intrinsically safe explosion-proof electric apparatus, To solve the practical problem of intrinsically safe electrical explosion-proof design. The power supply part of intrinsically safe explosion-proof electricity is systematically studied. The design method and test step of independent power supply and external power supply are included. The problem of spark discharge in circuit is studied systematically, and the design and test step of resistive circuit, inductive circuit and capacitive circuit are studied. The above research is applicable to all intrinsically safe explosion-proof electrical systems. This paper takes the explosion proof design of an intrinsically safe gas sampling analyzer as an example, according to the requirements discussed in this paper. The protection measures of intrinsically safe explosion-proof electricity and the problems in the design and application of intrinsically safe gas sampling analyzer are analyzed.


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