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发布时间:2018-02-20 17:22

  本文关键词: 分布式发电 光伏发电 预测 短期功率 用户侧 极限学习机 光伏覆尘 出处:《农业工程学报》2014年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of rural power grid in China, the integrated application of distributed photovoltaic (DPV) is an important way to realize the local absorption of new energy. The State Grid Company has also issued policies to provide convenient conditions and technical support for distributed photovoltaic access. The related distributed photovoltaic power prediction technologies need to be deeply studied. Considering the cost constraints and operational requirements of the prediction system and the characteristics of rural power grid applications, a distributed photovoltaic power prediction method based on the kernel function extreme learning machine is proposed. The distributed PV short-term power prediction model is constructed by using kernel function extreme learning machine, and the computational efficiency of prediction model is improved by training sample screening method based on weight. The model parameters are optimized by particle swarm optimization algorithm. The prediction model uses low-cost non-numerical weather prediction sampling information, for tens of kilowatts of distributed photovoltaic, The relative error of prediction is only 16 / 18. It can realize the prediction of single generation power within 10 Ms on a low power processor, and can keep the original precision after simplifying the low weight attribute. At the same time, the prediction error is basically unchanged under the condition of distributed photovoltaic dusting or inverter fault, and it has high adaptability.
【作者单位】: 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院;


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