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发布时间:2018-02-21 03:28

  本文关键词: 特高压直流 上海电网 静态安全分析 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Using UHV DC transmission technology can realize long distance and large capacity transmission. It is of great significance to solve the problems of unbalanced distribution of energy and power load, power transmission channels and national networking. In 2013, Shanghai Power Grid will transmit UHVDC through UHV Fulong-Fengxian HVDC transmission project. Introduction of Shanghai, 卤800 kV UHV HVDC transmission line to the ground at Fengxian converter station in Fengxian District of Shanghai, After commuting through Fengxian Station, Divided into three 500kV lines into the far East 500kV substation incorporated into the Shanghai power grid. In 2013, the power flow of UHVDC system in the summer of 2013 reached 1/4 of the total power load in Shanghai. While providing a lot of electricity, It will also have an impact on the operation of the Shanghai Power Grid because of its interaction with the Shanghai Power Grid, which will bring challenges to the safe operation of the Shanghai Power Grid. It is of great significance to study the security of Shanghai Power Grid after UHV DC connection. The influence on the static and safe operation of Shanghai Power Grid during the period of full load power transmission in summer, It provides a reference for the current operation of Shanghai power grid and the future power network planning. Firstly, this paper analyzes the FVHVDC system and the way to connect to Shanghai power grid in detail. Then the power system analysis software PSASP is used to build the power network. Finally, the operation mode of Shanghai power grid in the summer of 2013 is taken as the object. On the basis of simulation and simulation of single pole locking and bipolar locking of 500kV lines (Xianyuan 5183 or Yuanting 5135), double line faults (Fengyuan 5181 line and Fengdong 5182 line), and single station main transformer fault of far East station, etc. The static security of Shanghai 500kV power network under summer peak load in 2013 and the static security of Shanghai far East power network are analyzed. Some conclusions obtained by simulation analysis can be used as reference for Shanghai power network operation and planning department.


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