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发布时间:2018-02-22 15:06

  本文关键词: 可再生能源 母线电压 逆变控制 孤岛检测 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会的高速发展,对能源的需求量也越来越大。当前使用的主体能源仍是传统的非可再生能源,在开发使用中会面临能源短缺和一系列环境污染问题。建筑能耗是我国能源消耗的的大户,并且呈不断上升趋势,成为节能减排的工作重点之一。大力发展太阳能、风能等新等清洁可再生能源是应对能源短缺和环境问题的必然途径。但是在小区中,风力资源会相对匮乏。现代小区中多为高层建筑,电梯的能耗占据相当大比重,将电梯发电状态时产生再生能源用于负载或并入电网,可大大降低建筑能耗,节约电能。本文是将光伏电能和电梯再生电能一起作为电源在小区的应用,以实现节能减排。本文介绍了可再生能源的利用现状,确定小区可再生能源采用直流微电网的结构进行供电。建立光伏电池的数学模型并分析其外特性,铅酸蓄电池的工作原理并建立其数学模型,介绍电梯再生发电的原理,并对再生发电功率进行了分析与推导。运用仿真软件Matlab/Simulink建立系统的仿真模型,着重对光伏电池最大功率追踪的控制策略进行了仿真和分析,改进传统的控制算法,提出步长自调整实现追踪的快速性,同时有效减小最大功率点的震荡,提高了太阳能的利用率。运用功率平抑的控制策略使母线电压具有良好的稳定性能,提高了供电的可靠性。电梯再生电能与光伏电能一起作为电源应用,充分利用电梯再生能源的同时节约了电梯的再生能耗与降温装置。建立了并网与独立双模式的逆变器数学模型,基于SVPWM调制技术,设计了重复控制策略,使系统具有较好动、静态特性,同时有效改善了逆变器输出波形的质量。介绍了孤岛检测原理和检测时出现的盲区问题,在正负半周期频率扰动法的基础上改进了孤岛检测方法,提高了孤岛检测的可靠性,减小了检测盲区,并且有效减小了由于正负半周期频率扰动对电能质量的影响。本文最后介绍以数字信号处理器(DSP) TMS320F2812为核心的控制系统硬软件的初步设计。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of society, the demand for energy is increasing. In the development and use of energy will face a series of energy shortages and a series of environmental pollution problems. Building energy consumption is the major energy consumption in China, and is on the rise, becoming one of the key points of energy conservation and emission reduction. New clean and renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, are an inevitable way to deal with energy shortages and environmental problems. But in the residential areas, wind resources will be relatively scarce. In modern residential areas, most of them are high-rise buildings, and the energy consumption of elevators accounts for a large proportion. It can greatly reduce the building energy consumption and save the electric energy by using the renewable energy generated in the state of elevator power generation to load or be incorporated into the power grid. This paper uses photovoltaic power and elevator regenerated energy as the power supply in the residential area. In order to realize energy saving and emission reduction, this paper introduces the present situation of renewable energy utilization, determines that the renewable energy in residential area is supplied by the structure of DC microgrid, establishes the mathematical model of photovoltaic cell and analyzes its external characteristics. The working principle and mathematical model of lead-acid battery are established. The principle of regenerative power generation by elevator is introduced, and the power of regenerative generation is analyzed and deduced. The simulation model of the system is established by using the simulation software Matlab/Simulink. The control strategy of maximum power tracking for photovoltaic cells is simulated and analyzed, the traditional control algorithm is improved, and the speed of tracking is proposed by self-adjusting step size, and the oscillation of maximum power point is effectively reduced. The utilization rate of solar energy is improved, the bus voltage is stable and the reliability of power supply is improved by using the control strategy of power leveling, the regenerated electric energy of elevator is used as the power supply together with the photovoltaic power. The mathematical model of grid-connected and independent dual-mode inverter is established, and the repetitive control strategy is designed based on SVPWM modulation technology, which makes the system more active. At the same time, the static characteristics and the quality of inverter output waveform are improved effectively. The principle of islanding detection and the blind spot problem in detection are introduced. The islanding detection method is improved on the basis of positive and negative half-period frequency perturbation method. The reliability of islanding detection is improved, and the blind area of detection is reduced. The influence of positive and negative semi-periodic frequency disturbances on power quality is reduced effectively. Finally, the hardware and software design of the control system based on DSP TMS320F2812 is introduced.


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8 黄s,




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