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发布时间:2018-02-23 18:07

  本文关键词: 变压器 故障诊断 粗糙集 贪心算法 离散化 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Power transformer is one of the important operating equipments in power system. Because of its complex internal structure, uneven distribution of electric field, and increasing voltage grade, the accident rate increases. It is of great significance to detect and diagnose transformer faults effectively and accurately judge the latent faults or hidden troubles of transformers. This paper focuses on the subject of transformer fault diagnosis. Based on the research of a new practical transformer fault diagnosis method, the shortcomings of the existing transformer fault diagnosis methods are improved. The fault diagnosis subsystem of transformer state analysis system is designed, and the routine test and trial operation of power transformer are discussed. Firstly, the requirements and significance of transformer fault diagnosis are discussed in this paper. After comparing several main methods of transformer fault diagnosis, It is proposed that the analysis of dissolved gas in transformer oil be used to detect the internal fault of transformer. Considering the poor independence of the analysis method of dissolved gas in transformer oil, the limitation is strong. Problems such as inadequate consideration of various factors causing transformer failures, In this paper, a new transformer fault diagnosis method based on dissolved gas content in transformer oil is proposed. The rough set theory, which is used in this paper, can simplify the data and obtain the minimum representation of knowledge on the premise of keeping the key information while dealing with imprecise problems. The rough set theory is used to process the massive historical data. The final reduction rule is obtained to minimize the uncertainty caused by the acquisition of dissolved gas in transformer oil. Secondly, the global optimal rule of transformer fault diagnosis is considered in this paper. The continuous attribute discretization method based on rough set and Boolean logic is adopted, and the discernible matrix algorithm is used to reduce the attribute and the value, so as to obtain the global optimal result. Because the time complexity and space complexity of the algorithm increase in cubic form of the product of the rule number and the attribute number, the identifiable matrix algorithm is a NP-hard problem when dealing with the massive data. A practical method for transformer fault diagnosis is proposed, in which the percentage content and important ratio of all gases dissolved in transformer oil are taken as conditional attributes to establish a decision table. The continuous attribute discretization, attribute reduction and value reduction are used to discretize the decision table by greedy algorithm. The calculation time and calculation amount are greatly reduced. The simulation results of this practical new transformer fault diagnosis method are verified and good results are obtained. The problems of transformer fault diagnosis in theory research and practical application are pointed out, and the future research work is prospected.


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