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发布时间:2018-02-24 17:17

  本文关键词: 燃气-蒸汽联合循环 发电成本 环保效益 调峰效益 动态成本 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济规模的不断扩大,对能源的强劲需求以及由此产生的环境问题逐渐成为影响经济发展速度的重要因素,能源消耗与环境污染的瓶颈制约与矛盾日益突出。作为能源消耗大户,传统的火力发电企业面临着越来越大的环保压力,以优质、高效、清洁的天然气为原料的燃气轮机逐渐成为现代火力发电企业缓解压力的有效手段。 但随着天然气价格的不断上涨,燃机发电上网电价政策现已成为影响燃机电厂生存的决定性因素。2014年初,北京、上海、天津等城市根据《国家发改委关于疏导京津沪燃气电价矛盾的通知》陆续出台相关政策,以调整本地燃气发电上网电价。由于选取城市的区域性和特殊性,该政策并没能有效地平衡发电企业生存压力和政府的环保压力。 本文结合庇古税收理论、科斯产权理论等,将燃机的环保效益以及调峰效益量化,从固定成本、可变成本和外部效益的角度出发,采用动态成本法测算发电成本,以北京地区统调燃机电厂为数据来源,得出燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组发电成本的合理量化区间。并以四大热电中心燃机电厂为实例,验证测算方法的合理性和适用性,得出合理的燃气发电上网电价定价区间。在深入分析香港电力管制计划的基础上,提出有效制定燃机上网电价政策的建议,为完善燃机上网电价政策提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of China's economic scale, the strong demand for energy and the resulting environmental problems have gradually become an important factor affecting the speed of economic development. The bottleneck restriction and contradiction between energy consumption and environmental pollution are increasingly prominent. As a large consumer of energy, traditional thermal power generation enterprises are facing more and more pressure of environmental protection, with high quality and high efficiency. Clean natural gas turbine has gradually become an effective means for modern thermal power plants to relieve pressure. But as natural gas prices continue to rise, the price policy for generating electricity from gas generators has become a decisive factor in the survival of gas-fired power plants. Early 2014, Beijing, Shanghai, According to the notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on the contradiction between Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai gas electricity prices, Tianjin and other cities have successively issued relevant policies to adjust the price of local gas power generation on the Internet. Because of the region and particularity of the selected cities, The policy has not effectively balanced the pressure of survival of power generation enterprises and environmental pressure of the government. Combined with Pigou tax theory and Coase property right theory, this paper quantifies the environmental protection benefit and peak shaving benefit of gas turbine, and calculates the power generation cost by dynamic cost method from the point of view of fixed cost, variable cost and external benefit. Taking the integrated gas turbine power plant in Beijing as the data source, the reasonable quantification interval of generation cost of gas-steam combined cycle unit is obtained. The rationality and applicability of the calculation method are verified by taking four major central thermal power plants as examples. On the basis of deeply analyzing the electricity control plan of Hong Kong, the paper puts forward some suggestions for effective formulation of the price policy of gas turbine, which provides a reference for perfecting the price policy of gas turbine.


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