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发布时间:2018-02-27 08:31

  本文关键词: ZG集团 多元化经营 问题与对策研究 出处:《广西大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:When the enterprise develops to a certain stage, in order to maintain the profitability of rapid steady growth, many companies choose diversification is one of the important growth mode of.ZG group for more than 20 years in the air conditioning industry maintain professional development at the same time, has been in seek diversified development for more than 10 years. However, in the diversified enterprises, some enterprises for well run and to seize the opportunity and development, and all kinds of difficulties and risks in the process of growing up but some good business but failed to respond to failures or frustrated. Facing the diversification and expansion of temptation, most enterprises are easy to impulse and blindness, due to lack of prior budget or choose diversification strategy properly, often bring serious losses and eventually dragged down to the original.ZG industry group in the development of diversified industries, there have been failures, there are also some successful experience, the scale of the project are not diversified Broken expansion, profitability has improved, diversification has played an important role for the overall business development of ZG group. Then, how to maintain the healthy development of the enterprise diversification? How to adopt corresponding management strategies to control all kinds of risk diversification? Many scholars put forward many countermeasures, such as: the development of the core competitiveness of enterprises to provide a guarantee and foundation for the diversified development of diversified development should follow the development and the main principle of relevance; strengthen enterprise financial assets integration and optimization of enterprise assets management system integration, the establishment of financial control and business risk; to enhance the management level of enterprises to promote the diversification of the scale benefit show and so on. In addition, the global economy has been gradually tend to integration, market competition between enterprises becomes more and more fierce, the price of all goods and services become more and more transparent, Due to the profitability of the enterprise is extremely limited, business advantages, work more and more, so the application of outsourcing strategy is more and more widely especially in the diversified enterprise group in the.ZG group in the process of diversification in more than 10 years there are still some problems, from the financial indicators, diversification projects not to bring in business group ZG profits are growing, the high rate of assets and liabilities of air conditioning industry development, small appliances and other diversified industries or areas to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the ZG brand, but the scale is still small. From the point of view of related products, related diversification project settlement principle is not perfect and the profit and loss balance of financial risk, the internal quality management of business process and product control business risk, diversification of internal and external environment of resource integration is not in place, technology innovation is not enough; non related diversification in development The slow scale is not large, the core competence of ZG enterprise group basically did not have a positive effect, increased business risk. From the internal environment of ZG financial group is still not stable enough, cultivation of core competence of ZG enterprise group still needs to be strengthened; development of national macro policy adjustment and external financial crisis to the home appliance industry from the external environment aiming at the above. ZG group diversification problems in the diversification theory based on the combination of domestic and foreign scholars on corporate diversification strategy research, motivation analysis, diversified group of ZG industry, the pros and cons of performance and strategic risk, to find a suitable development of the diversification strategy, the main countermeasures are to strengthen management mode of technology innovation and avoid risk diversification, maintain related diversification and unrelated diversification of business with the help of coordinated development. Department of resource development and diversification of the rational use of outsourcing strategy, strengthen the core competitiveness is the guarantee of the development of diversified business platform, to strengthen and deepen the channel construction entity channels combined. The future of ZG group diversification to an invincible position in the market competition? If He Kuozhang truly ZG group big group strategy to build group wealth community? How to diversify after several years of operation across the ZG group contribution billion sales target for a power? See below to further explore the existing problems in the diversified management of ZG group, and puts forward relevant countermeasures to provide some decision support for the diversified development of the ZG group.



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