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发布时间:2018-02-27 18:03

  本文关键词: 智能配电台区 智能配电终端 三相不平衡治理 无功补偿 低压配电自动化 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:智能台区建设是智能电网建设的基础。但目前配电台区设备自动化程度较低,不满足智能电网建设需要。为了适应农村用电发展和用电可靠性、电能质量的新要求,需要对配电台区进行改造,以适应电网智能化愿景。 本文分析国内外研究现状,从负荷变化、供需矛盾、新能源接入等方面论述了农村智能配电台区建设的必要性和重要意义。对智能配电台区的功能实现进行研究和分析,对智能台区统一数据平台和配电智能终端技术进行介绍,指出现有技术在三相不平衡治理、低压自动化等方面存在的不足。针对这些问题提出台区三相不平衡治理、低压自动化、无功补偿、智能台区运维等重要技术方案。重点提出一种利用相间负荷调整型二级漏电保护器调整三相不平衡负荷的新技术。智能二级漏保安装在配电台区低压单相电源T接处,在智能配变终端的控制下实现自动调整,一个配电台区的智能变终端控制该台区全部的智能二级漏保。智能二级漏保通讯模块采用有线或无线方式,与智能配变终端进行电流信息与指令的传递。智能配变终端收到各智能二级漏保运行电流后,进行台区三相负载电流计算,得出三相不平衡度。当智能变终端计算三相电流不平衡率值达到或超过设定值时,根据设定数学运算,确定各漏电保护器所带单相负载是否需要调整,以及调相方案,命令指定智能二级漏保选相开关动作,实现负载由负荷较重的相转至负荷较轻的相,使得该低压网络的三相负荷始终处于接近最佳平衡的状态。本文对该方案进行了算法的模拟和验证。 本文提出的技术方案在居岭庄台区进行了改造应用,通过应用前后效果对比,改造后在台区三相负荷平衡、电压合格率、供电可靠性方面有显著提升。运维人员实现了对台区环境的远程监控,效果明显,实现了部分智能化功能。
[Abstract]:The construction of smart station area is the foundation of the construction of smart grid. But at present, the automation degree of the equipment in the distribution station area is low, which does not meet the needs of the smart grid construction. In order to meet the new requirements of rural power development and reliability, power quality, It is necessary to transform the distribution station area to meet the intelligent vision of power grid. This paper analyzes the current research situation at home and abroad, discusses the necessity and significance of the construction of rural intelligent radio station area from the aspects of load change, contradiction between supply and demand, and new energy access, and studies and analyzes the function realization of intelligent distribution station area. This paper introduces the unified data platform and intelligent terminal technology of intelligent station, points out the shortcomings of the existing technology in the aspects of three-phase unbalanced treatment and low-voltage automation, and puts forward the three-phase unbalanced treatment of station area. Low voltage automation, reactive power compensation, This paper puts forward a new technology to adjust the unbalance load of three-phase by using the phase-to-phase load adjusting two-stage leakage protector. The intelligent two-stage leakage protection is installed at the T junction of the low-voltage single-phase power supply in the distribution station area. Under the control of the intelligent distribution transformer terminal, the intelligent transformer terminal in a distribution station area controls all the intelligent secondary leakage protection in the station area. The intelligent secondary leakage protection communication module adopts wired or wireless mode. The intelligent distribution transformer terminal carries on the current information and instruction transmission with the intelligent distribution transformer terminal. After the intelligent distribution transformer terminal receives the operation current of each intelligent secondary leakage protection, it calculates the three-phase load current in the station area. When the intelligent terminal calculates that the unbalance rate of three-phase current reaches or exceeds the set value, according to the set mathematical operation, determines whether the single-phase load of each leakage protector needs to be adjusted, as well as the phase modulation scheme. The command specifies the operation of the intelligent two stage leakage phase selector switch to transfer the load from the heavier phase to the lighter one. The three-phase load of the low-voltage network is always close to the optimal balance. The algorithm is simulated and verified in this paper. The technical scheme put forward in this paper has been applied to the reconstruction of Julingzhuang Tai area. By comparing the effect before and after the application, the three-phase load balance and the qualified voltage rate are obtained after the retrofit. The reliability of power supply has been greatly improved. The operation and maintenance personnel have realized the remote monitoring and control of the environment of the station area, the effect is obvious, and some intelligent functions have been realized.


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