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发布时间:2018-02-27 22:44

  本文关键词: 变压器保护 励磁涌流 小波变换 合闸策略 出处:《南京理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, various industries have put forward higher requirements for the power system. Power transformers function as a conversion hub in the power system. Its safety and stability are directly related to the stability of the whole power network. Although the correct operation rate of transformer protection has been improved with the development of relay protection technology, compared with line protection, bus protection and so on, The correct operation rate of transformer protection is still relatively low. The reason is that the differential protection as the main protection of the transformer itself has inherent defects-its protection range includes not only the circuit but also the magnetic circuit. An inrush current of several times the rated current of the transformer will be generated. The inrush current will flow into the differential protection circuit of the transformer, resulting in the maloperation of the transformer protection. This paper studies how to identify the inrush current and restrain the inrush current of the transformer. The advantages and disadvantages of them are reasonably classified and analyzed. In the aspect of inrush current identification, the waveform of inrush current and internal fault current of transformer is obtained by setting up a simulation model. In order to improve the clarity of wavelet transform in the identification of inrush current, the ratio method is introduced to improve the wavelet transform. Finally, a large number of simulation results show that the method is correct in the identification of inrush current. In addition, a series resistive and capacitive closing technique is proposed in this paper, which is based on a thorough study of the existing inrush current suppression strategy. On the basis of considering the change of magnetic core in three-phase winding during closing, this method combines the practicability of series resistance and capacitance, and the simple closing strategy can effectively suppress the inrush current of excitation. Finally, a large number of simulation results show the effectiveness and practicability of this method.


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