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发布时间:2018-02-28 09:15

  本文关键词: 智能电能表 RN8209C 软件平台 误差校正 MATLAB 出处:《扬州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, a single-phase and high-precision cost control intelligent watt-hour meter based on RN8209C metering chip is designed. It uses a large scale digital signal processing chip, a memory for permanent storage of information, a fully isolated standard RS485 communication interface and infrared communication. Large screen wide temperature liquid crystal display and information security encryption ESAM module and other advanced technology. The table has many functions, such as electric energy measurement, information storage and processing, real-time monitoring, automatic control, information exchange, etc. It has the characteristics of high precision, strong function, good stability and so on. It is a household electric energy meter which is purchased centrally by the State Grid. It can realize the centralized meter reading of power line network. First of all, the paper introduces the development of intelligent watt-hour meter industry, describes its broad development space and the objective necessity of development. Chapter two introduces the measurement principle of single-phase watt-hour meter and the technical specification and function requirement of smart watt-hour meter made by State Grid Company. Hardware architecture of watt-hour meter based on, The hardware design of the system is carried out under the system framework of "special metering chip MCU". The front-end uses the third generation metrological chip RN8209C, which can be used as data acquisition and electric energy metering chip, in the front end. The R7F0C004M2DFB is selected as the core management chip, and the software system is divided into modules according to the need of platform transplantation, and the configuration layer is defined and designed. The software system platform of platform layer and application layer. The configuration layer includes system bottom configuration and hardware driver, platform layer includes system message driving mechanism, storage management, metrology and communication. The application layer contains the realization flow of various tasks. Secondly, as an important standard to measure the quality of the watt-hour meter, there are all kinds of interference. With the help of the cftool toolbox of MATLAB, the error data under the influence of self-heating are analyzed. The error variation curve is obtained by fitting. Then, the accuracy of measurement is improved by software compensation. The same voltage change affects the measurement accuracy. This paper introduces the process of precision correction under the influence of voltage in detail. It improves the precision of watt-hour meter under the influence of self-heating and voltage. Finally, the work of this paper is summarized, and the shortcomings of the paper are pointed out. At the same time, the future research work is also prospected.


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