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发布时间:2018-03-01 03:34

  本文关键词: 小电流接地故障 暂态机理 LC谐振 配网参数 分布电容充放电机理 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The study of transient characteristics of low-current grounding faults is of great significance to neutral grounding and related technologies in distribution networks. However, the existing transient studies are mainly focused on the direction of fault detection, and the research and conclusions on transient mechanism are very limited. The only transient mechanism of capacitive charge and discharge based on sound phase and fault phase distribution has not been strictly theoretically analyzed and verified, and only reflects part of the transient resonant process. It is not accurate and comprehensive. In this paper, a fault network model based on line distribution parameters including upstream and downstream fault points is established. From the point of view of impedance characteristic of uniform transmission line, the frequency variation (alternating capacitive and inductive) characteristics of impedance of single output line and each mode network are analyzed, and the LC resonance mechanism of transient process of small current grounding fault is given. That is, the transient process is made up of several groups of single lines, LC parallel / series resonance in the same mode network and LC series resonance in each mode network. The LC resonance mechanism proposed by this method can be used to analyze the generation mechanism and energy exchange law of each resonance in the full frequency domain. The transient current generated by series resonance contains specific fault location information. It can provide the basis for fault detection technology. The variation of parameters in the distribution network may produce new resonance conditions or change the existing resonant conditions or even make some resonance disappear. In this paper, the maximum energy in the whole frequency domain can be obtained. The main resonance process, which can reflect the basic characteristics of the transient process, is analyzed. The influence of the change of the distribution network parameters on the frequency change is analyzed, in which the main resonant frequency is accompanied by the longest sound line length. According to the traditional distributed capacitance charging and discharging mechanism, the charging and discharging models of single-phase / three-phase system are established in this paper. The main resonance component of the fault current in the discharge model can not correspond to the resonance component of the whole system model. Because of the three-phase coupling, the discharge model can not completely separate the charging and discharging process. The unreasonableness of the traditional mechanism is preliminarily verified. MATLAB programming and ATP simulation verify the transient LC resonance mechanism proposed in this paper. The influence of the distribution network parameters on the transient main resonance is correct and the traditional distributed capacitance charge-discharge transient mechanism is not reasonable. The work done in this paper is helpful to comprehensively and accurately grasp the transient characteristics of the small current grounding fault. It not only provides the theoretical basis for the development of fault detection and protection, over-voltage protection, grounding compensation and neutral grounding mode of distribution network, but also is the basis of related technology research in smart distribution network in the future.


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