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发布时间:2018-03-04 23:03

  本文选题:小型水平轴式风力机 切入点:叶片数目 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前风力发电项目日益受到重视,风力发电逐步向大型化和海装化发展,在我国,,小型水平轴式风力机在风光互补等领域也显示出广阔的发展前景。国内外开展了大量关于叶片数目和安装角等因素对风力机性能影响的研究。 针对目前已知的两个影响因素,论文开展了关于叶片数目和安装角等因素对风力机性能影响的研究。利用现有的风洞和小型水平轴式风力机,进行3叶片、6叶片和12叶片等一系列的实验。利用扭矩测量装置等仪器,测量风力机运转过程中的参数,得到风力机的风能利用系数,研究叶片数目、安装角、风速等因素对风力机性能的影响关系,得出适合NACA4425型叶片的风力机参数。结果表明,3叶片风力机对风速的要求较高,在低风速下运转的性能较差;6叶片风力机试用风速范围较广,整体性能较高;12叶片风力机在低风速容易转动,但是整体性能稍差。此外,为了获得更好的风能利用系数和功率,安装角应适当地设置得小一些 小型水平轴式风力机经常处于偏航运转状态,为了研究风力机偏航特性,通过实验改变小型水平轴式风力机的偏航角,比较和分析不同叶片数目、不同安装角的风力机惰速运转的特性。结果表明,为了保证风力机的性能和降低对偏转装置的要求,可以让风力机在小偏航状态下运转;当风速过大需要保护风力装置时,则需要设置较大偏转。
[Abstract]:At present, more and more attention has been paid to wind power generation projects. Wind power generation has gradually developed to large-scale and sea-based power generation. In China, The small horizontal axis wind turbine also shows a broad development prospect in the fields of complementary wind power and so on. A lot of researches have been carried out at home and abroad on the influence of the number of blades and installation angle on the performance of the wind turbine. Aiming at the two known factors, this paper studies the influence of the number of blades and installation angle on the performance of wind turbine, using the existing wind tunnel and small horizontal axis wind turbine. A series of experiments were carried out on 3 blades, 6 blades and 12 blades. The parameters of the wind turbine during operation were measured by means of torque measuring apparatus, the wind energy utilization coefficient of the wind turbine was obtained, and the number of blades and installation angle were studied. The influence of wind speed and other factors on the performance of the wind turbine is obtained, and the parameters of the wind turbine suitable for the NACA4425 blade are obtained. The results show that the wind speed of the No. 3 blade wind turbine is very high. The performance of the wind turbine running at low wind speed is worse than that of the blade wind turbine with 6 blades. The overall performance of the wind turbine is higher than that of the 12 blade wind turbine with lower wind speed, but the overall performance is slightly worse. In addition, in order to obtain better wind energy utilization coefficient and power, The installation angle should be properly set to be smaller. In order to study the yaw characteristics of the small horizontal axis wind turbine, the yaw angle of the small horizontal axis wind turbine is changed through experiments, and the number of different blades is compared and analyzed. The characteristics of idling speed of wind turbines with different installation angles. The results show that in order to ensure the performance of wind turbines and reduce the requirements for deflection devices, the wind turbines can operate in a small yaw state, and when the wind speed is too high, the wind turbines need to be protected. You need to set up a larger deflection.


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9 朱




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