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发布时间:2018-03-05 04:36

  本文选题:k 切入点:V架空绝缘线路 出处:《华东电力》2014年12期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:10 kV架空绝缘线路存在一定比例的雷击断线,并透过这一现象,浅析了其断线机理。介绍了固定间隙过电压保护器的研制过程,采用科学试验方法验证产品性能,统计对比了产品挂网运行前后线路故障数据,并总结了固定间隙过电压保护器挂网运行效果。固定间隙过电压保护器在实际挂网试运行一个雷季,保护效果明显,从根本上消除了雷击断线,同时降低了雷击跳闸事故率,提高了供电可靠性,其成果可以推广。
[Abstract]:There is a certain proportion of lightning strike breakers in 10 kV overhead insulated lines. Through this phenomenon, the breakage mechanism is analyzed. The development process of the fixed gap overvoltage protector is introduced, and the performance of the product is verified by scientific test method. The line fault data before and after the operation of the product are statistically compared, and the operation effect of the fixed gap overvoltage protector is summarized. The protection effect of the fixed gap overvoltage protector is obvious in a lightning season. At the same time, the lightning tripping accident rate is reduced, and the reliability of power supply is improved. The results can be popularized.
【作者单位】: 国网徐州供电公司;南京紫峰电力设备有限公司;


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