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发布时间:2018-03-06 06:28

  本文选题:风电 切入点:电网调峰 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着世界范围内常规化石能源的日趋枯竭以及环境问题的日益突出,清洁、绿色的可再生能源得到了广泛的关注。由于风力发电具有技术成熟、适宜规模化开发以及成本相对较低等特点,近年来发展十分迅速,具有良好的发展前景。但是风力发电具有随机性和波动性的特点,随着风电装机容量的快速增加和风电场规模的不断扩大,大规模风电并网将对电网调峰带来一定的影响。 本文从电网调峰能力的角度来研究风电消纳能力,针对风电并网后电网调峰充裕性评估问题展开研究。首先介绍了国内外风电行业的发展状况,指出了研究风电接入对电力系统调峰能力影响的重要性,简述了风力发电的特点,介绍了风电并网方式,,分析了风电接入对电网调峰的影响以及影响风电并网系统调峰能力的因素。然后论述了蒙特卡洛模拟法的基本思想和理论基础,对其特点和应用范围进行了分析。最后,在分析风电并网后系统调峰需求变化的基础上,以计及风电随机波动和常规机组随机停运等不确定性因素为导向,基于序贯蒙特卡洛模拟法,提出了适用于大规模风电并网的系统调峰充裕性评估方法,根据系统调峰不足概率评价调峰充裕性,以IEEE-RTS79系统作为算例进行仿真分析,验证了所述方法的可行性和有效性。
[Abstract]:With the depletion of conventional fossil energy and the increasingly prominent environmental problems, clean and green renewable energy has received extensive attention. Because of the mature technology of wind power generation, Suitable for large-scale development and relatively low cost, it has developed very rapidly in recent years and has a good prospect. However, wind power generation has the characteristics of randomness and volatility. With the rapid increase of wind power installed capacity and the continuous expansion of wind farm scale, large-scale wind power grid will have a certain impact on peak-shaving. In this paper, the wind power absorption capacity is studied from the point of view of the peak-shaving ability of the power grid, and the evaluation of the power grid peak shaving adequacy after the wind power is connected to the grid is studied. Firstly, the development situation of the wind power industry at home and abroad is introduced. This paper points out the importance of studying the influence of wind power access on the peak-shaving ability of power system, briefly describes the characteristics of wind power generation, and introduces the mode of wind power grid connection. This paper analyzes the influence of wind power access on the peak shaving of power grid and the factors that affect the peak shaving ability of wind power grid connected system. Then the basic idea and theoretical basis of Monte Carlo simulation method are discussed, and its characteristics and application range are analyzed. On the basis of analyzing the change of peak shaving demand after wind power is connected to grid and taking into account the uncertain factors such as random fluctuation of wind power and random outage of conventional units, the sequential Monte Carlo simulation method is used. In this paper, a method for evaluating the peak-shaving adequacy of a system suitable for large-scale wind power grid connection is proposed. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by using IEEE-RTS79 system as a numerical example to evaluate the peak-shaving adequacy according to the probability of system peak-shaving.


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