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发布时间:2018-03-06 08:04

  本文选题:多电平变换器 切入点:NPC型三电平逆变器 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:不断发展的社会经济推动着电力电子技术在电力、交通、能源等各个领域得到了充分发展,其中多电平变换器针对大功率场合的应用,给出了很好的解决方案。其中,二极管中点钳位(Neutral-Point Clamped)型三电平逆变器由于其较为简单的结构和控制、较高的性价比,成为目前应用较广的多电平变换器之一。本论文以NPC型三电平逆变器为研究对象,对于其调制技术、中点电压波动的抑制控制、主电路以及缓冲电路设计原理给与相关研究。 文章首先对于多电平变换器的发展进行了相关介绍,随后对NPC型三电平逆变器的两种常用调制方法——载波调制方法和矢量调制方法进行原理分析,特别在当矢量调制方法选取多段开关序列(九段、十三段)的情况下,证明得出两者本质上的联系。鉴于矢量调制方法最终的实现仍然是通过载波调制,故本文基于载波调制方法,对于NPC型三电平逆变器的中点电压波动抑制问题,首先给出了常规的两种抑制控制方法,而后依据这两种控制方法,,得出了一种算法较简单,并且能够降低系统开关损耗的控制方法,最终分别通过仿真和实验,对这三种方法进行了验证。最后,文章对于NPC型三电平逆变器,给出其主电路设计过程,并着重对于其缓冲电路的工作原理和设计原理加以详细分析,同时给出仿真和实验的验证结果。
[Abstract]:The continuous development of the social economy promotes power electronic technology in power, transportation, energy and other fields have been fully developed, the application of multilevel converter for high power applications, solutions are given as well. Among them, the diode neutral point clamped (Neutral-Point Clamped) three level inverter because of its relatively simple structure and control, high price, has become one of the multilevel converter is widely used at present. This paper takes NPC three level inverter as the research object, for its modulation, inhibition of neutral point voltage fluctuation control, main circuit and snubber circuit design principle to related research.
Firstly, for the development of multilevel converter are introduced, then two kinds of modulation, carrier modulation method and vector modulation method for NPC type three level inverter principle analysis, especially when vector modulation methods of multi section switch sequence (nine, thirteen) under the condition that both prove on the nature of the contact. In view of vector modulation method is still the final realization by carrier modulation, so based on the carrier modulation method for neutral point voltage fluctuation of NPC type three level inverter suppression, firstly, the conventional two inhibitory control method, and then on the basis of the two control methods, and obtained a relatively simple algorithm, and can reduce the switching losses of the system control method, finally separately through simulation and experiment, the three methods are verified. Finally, the article for the NPC type three level inverse The main circuit design process of the converter is given, and the working principle and design principle of the buffer circuit are analyzed in detail. At the same time, the simulation and experimental results are given.



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