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发布时间:2018-03-07 02:02

  本文选题:电力电子设备 切入点:六字界风电场 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The rapid development of modern power electronic equipment, to promote wind power generation and grid technology gradually mature, and widely used. But because of the nonlinear characteristic of power electronic equipment. The power converter itself, most likely caused by the power grid voltage and current waveform distortion, caused by harmonic pollution. At the same time, wind power as a new energy. The volatility and unpredictability of the reactive power compensation has an affect on the voltage of power grid and wind power. Therefore, in order to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid, it is necessary to work without electricity can configure and carry out research on the quality of the wind farm. Firstly, based on the Guilin six words community wind farm location, climate the environment and related policy planning, recommended to derive reasonable six word boundary wind farm system. And with the help of PSD power system analysis software - BPA program, in the classical Feng, Feng A small, dry, dry operation mode of four power system, the wind from no load to full time system power flow and reactive power voltage is analyzed. The calculation results show that the wind farm full of hair, suggested configuration of reactive power compensation device adjustment range is -5.0-10.0Mvar, dynamic reactive power compensation of reactive power compensation device capacity should be not less than the total compensation amount of 50%. second, voltage deviation, this is caused by the six word boundary wind farms flicker, fluctuation, harmonics and low voltage ride through comprehensive analysis, in order to assess the power quality of wind power. The power system simulation software PSCAD verify that the mature, low voltage ride through capability of the wind turbine fully conforms to the national standard; four kinds of operation modes of wind farm output from zero to full load, and voltage deviation outlets and PCC meets the specification requirements, electrical Flicker meet international requirements, also meet the requirements of voltage fluctuation, does not exceed the standard; in the absence of background harmonic case, and outlets of the harmonic current and voltage distortion rate are in line with international standards. Finally, the simulation analysis is the introduction of background harmonic influence on wind power station, the results show that the electric traction harmonic field iron, harmonic voltage ratio and voltage distortion rate will not meet the requirements, the need to strengthen governance. Through this research, not only the six word boundary wind farm project for the actual allocation of reactive power compensation and when to provide the basis for harmonic governance, but also for other wind farms to compensate reactive power calculation and the power quality assessment provides an effective method, can be used as a reference for the similar project, which has a strong practical significance and reference.



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