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发布时间:2018-03-07 04:35

  本文选题:海上风电场 切入点:复杂地形风电场 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:风电机组运行中,受风速随机性和机组状态动态性等影响,承受复杂的交变载荷,使材料内部缺陷不断形成、累积和发展,并导致材料性能逐渐劣化,形成疲劳损伤。在疲劳损伤达到阂值前,需要对机组进行维护,避免灾变。本论文针对风电场各机组疲劳损伤不均匀导致部分机组可靠性低的问题,以及风电场疲劳优化和有功功率控制顾此失彼的现状,研究风电场疲劳分布和有功功率统一控制方法,在保证风电场有功功率跟踪电网要求的前提下,提高风电场各机组疲劳损伤的均匀性,避免部分机组疲劳损伤突出,提高机组的可靠性,降低风电场故障概率和临时维护量,降低维护成本,综合优化风电场的电网友好性和运行经济性。主要内容包括:1.通过建立风电机组疲劳损伤和机组有功功率的关联,提出了风电场疲劳分布和有功功率统一控制原理,充分利用电网要求风电场限值发电形成的机组有功功率调节自由度,以风电场各机组有功功率协调为手段,优化风电场疲劳分布,实现风电场电网友好性和疲劳均匀性的综合优化。2.提出了与电网协调的风电机组有功功率控制方法,为风电场和风电机组响应电网扰动、按指定功率运行提供执行层面的基础。通过改进变桨距控制状态机,开发快速跟踪机组参考功率的桨距角计算方法,使机组具备快速、持续调节有功功率响应电网扰动的能力;基于现有主流变桨距系统集成改进后的变桨距控制策略,不但适用于新型机组也适用于已有机组。仿真说明了方法的有效性。3.基于尾流效应对海上风电场风速、机组有功功率、机组疲劳的作用机理,提出了海上风电场疲劳分布与有功功率优化策略。通过按尾流传播路径对机组分组,合理设定疲劳优化阈值等措施,降低求解控制方程的计算复杂性和计算规模;面向多代理技术给出了控制策略的分布式实现方案,可基于风电机组控制器、现有风电场通信系统实现,具备工程可用性。对Horns Rev风电场的仿真说明了方法对海上风电场疲劳和有功功率综合优化的有效性。4.分别用解析方法和智能方法描述地形地貌和尾流效应对复杂地形风电场风速的综合影响,进一步分析风速特性与机组有功功率、疲劳的关联,提出了复杂地形风电场疲劳分布与有功功率统一优化方法。并提出了一种适用于各种风速模型的实值编码遗传算法,可基于常见工控机高效搜索优化方程最优解,提供策略实现的通用性和工程可用性。通过对某山地风电场的仿真,对比分析了不同风速模型对控制结果的影响,并验证了所提出的方法对复杂地形风电场疲劳和有功功率综合优化的有效性。5.根据风电机组疲劳机理,以及风电机组有功功率、紊流强度对机组疲劳的影响权重,提出了一种既适用于海上风电场又适用于复杂地形风电场的疲劳分布与有功功率综合优化方法。该方法以按机组疲劳反比例分配有功功率为核心,对计算资源、计算平台无要求,具有适用面广、便于工程实现的突出优点。通过对Horns Rev海上风电场和某山地风电场的仿真,验证了方法的通用性和可行性,并得到了该方法适用于限电比例较高的任意风电场的结论。
[Abstract]:The operation of wind turbine, affected by the randomness and unit state dynamics of wind speed, under complex alternating load, the internal defects of materials forming, accumulation and development, and lead to a gradual deterioration of material properties, the formation of fatigue damage. The fatigue damage reaches the threshold value, the need for unit maintenance, to avoid catastrophe in this paper. Each wind turbine unit fatigue damage due to the uneven part of the problem of low reliability of the unit, and the wind fatigue optimization and active power control of wind farm care for this and lose that status, fatigue distribution and active power control method in a system, ensure that the wind power grid tracking requirements, improve the uniformity of wind damage the electric field of each unit of fatigue, avoid fatigue damage prominent part of the unit, improve the reliability and reduce the failure probability of the temporary maintenance of wind farm, reduce maintenance costs, comprehensive optimization Grid friendly and economical operation of the wind farm. The main contents include: 1. through the association to establish active power of wind turbine and the fatigue damage of the unit, put forward the principle of unified control of wind farm active power distribution and fatigue, make full use of wind farm grid requirements limit freedom of regulation of active power generation units formed by. The active power of each wind turbine unit coordination as a means to optimize the distribution of wind farm.2. comprehensive optimization of fatigue, wind farm grid friendly and fatigue uniformity of the proposed active power control method of wind turbine and the power grid coordination, wind farms and wind turbines in response to disturbance, provide the basis to the specified level of execution power operation through the improvement of pitch control state machine, calculation method of pitch angle development fast track reference power unit, the unit has a rapid, sustained response to regulate active power grid Disturbance ability; pitch the existing mainstream pitch system integrated the improved control strategy based on the distance, is not only suitable for the new unit is also applicable to the existing unit. Simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of.3. method based on wake effect on sea wind speed, power, mechanism of unit fatigue, proposed offshore wind the electric field distribution of fatigue and active power optimization strategy. By pressing the wake propagation path of the packet unit, a reasonable set of fatigue threshold optimization and other measures to reduce the computational complexity of solving the control equation and calculation scale; multi agent oriented technology gives the realization scheme of distributed control strategy, can the wind turbine controller based on the existing wind farm communication the system, with engineering availability. The simulation of Horns Rev wind farm shows the validity of the method of.4. offshore wind farm fatigue and active power optimization respectively. Describe the comprehensive effects of topography and wake effects on complex terrain of wind speed by using the analytic method and intelligent method, further analysis of the active power characteristics of the wind and the unit, fatigue Association, put forward the complex terrain of wind farm active power distribution and fatigue unified optimization method. And put forward a kind of suitable for all kinds of wind speed model for real valued encoding the genetic algorithm can optimize the equation the optimal solution of efficient search based on common computer, provide the strategy to achieve generality and usability engineering. By the simulation of a mountain wind farm, comparative analysis of the different wind speed model based on control effects, and validates the proposed method on complex terrain fatigue and active power of wind farm comprehensive optimization of the effectiveness of.5. according to the fatigue mechanism of wind turbine and wind turbines, the active power, the turbulence intensity of the unit weight of fatigue, put forward a Is Yu Hai wind farm and is suitable for the comprehensive optimization of fatigue distribution complex terrain wind farm and active power method. The method according to the proportion of active power unit anti fatigue as the core of computing resources, without computing platform, with the application of a wide range of advantages for engineering realization. Through the simulation of Horns Rev sea the wind farm and a mountain wind farm, to verify the feasibility and generality of the method, and obtained the method is suitable for arbitrary wind power with higher proportion of conclusion.



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