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发布时间:2018-03-07 15:07

  本文选题:AP1000核电厂 切入点:二回路主管道 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Based on the first phase project of Shandong Haiyang AP1000 Nuclear Power Station, the main steam pipeline and main feed water pipeline of Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant enter the conventional island from the nuclear island. According to the requirements of Westinghouse and American Code < ANSI/ANS.58.2-1988 >, In order to avoid the unacceptable effects of fluid injection and pipe jetting on the auxiliary plant of the nuclear island when the main steam and main feed water pipeline are broken at both ends, when the design is carried out, It is necessary to analyze the damage of the main steam pipeline and the main water supply pipeline and to set up protective devices to meet the safety requirements of the auxiliary powerhouse on the nuclear island. But in the past, the analysis means are mainly based on the simplified algorithm required by the specification. The results obtained are conservative and can not be used to analyze the dynamic process of high energy pipeline jammers. In order to ensure the failure analysis of high energy pipelines in the conventional island, the calculation of jammers and the design of restraints are carried out smoothly. In this paper, the mechanical properties of the conventional island high energy pipeline after the double end fracture and the numerical simulation analysis of the design of the constrains are carried out. The calculated jet force obtained by RELAP5 is smaller than that obtained by the simplified calculation method. This also proves that the simplified calculation method is more conservative. Under the action of conservative force and non-conservative force, the natural jetting of pipeline will cause serious damage to the surrounding equipment and wall, so it is near the unrestrained pipe. It is not appropriate to place important equipment and pipeline. U-bolt restraints where the track is within reach. The plastic deformation of itself can effectively limit the pipe flapping. The influence of the root number and diameter on the restraint ability should be considered in the design of the important equipment and wall. U-bolt restraints.


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