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发布时间:2018-03-08 04:08

  本文选题:锅炉监测 切入点:机器学习 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rise of clean energy and the promulgation of new emission standards, the traditional thermal power units take on more peak-shaving tasks, carry out a large number of environmental protection reforms, and often operate in off-design conditions. This will bring a severe test to the safe and reliable operation of boiler system equipment. Under this background, on-line real-time monitoring of the running state of the main engine and auxiliary machine of the boiler will be carried out, and then the on-line diagnosis and prediction can be realized. This paper attempts to introduce the machine learning method to establish the condition monitoring model of the boiler main and auxiliary machine. Firstly, the method of judging the steady state of the furnace based on clustering is adopted. Through collecting a large number of running history data, introducing K-Means method and fast searching peak density method, the steady-state discriminant model is established. The results show that the improved fast searching peak density method is effective in modeling, and the determination of furnace steady-state provides a state basis for monitoring the combustion state of the main engine below. Only on the basis of steady state can the combustion state of main engine be monitored. The key problem of boiler mainframe condition monitoring is the on-line monitoring of combustion state in furnace. In this paper, a method of furnace internal monitoring based on numerical simulation and machine learning is proposed. Firstly, the furnace is modeled, meshed, and simulated conditions are set up as much as possible, and then the simulation results are used as the data source. The regression model of furnace combustion is constructed by using ELM and SVM. According to the regression results of temperature, velocity and nitrogen oxide concentration, the method is proved to be effective. Based on the steady-state discrimination of boiler, the model is used to calculate the current working conditions. The distribution of current temperature, speed, composition and concentration can be obtained quickly, so that the operators can grasp the burning state in real time. The boiler auxiliary machinery mainly includes coal mill, fan, feed water pump and so on. According to the analysis of the fault tree, the vibration is one of the main reasons of the equipment fault. After analyzing the characteristics of the vibration, this paper puts forward the method of vibration soft sensing combined with the phase space reconstruction and the ultimate learning machine, and takes the vibration intensity of the coal mill as an example. The results of this method are verified and analyzed, and it is proved that the method has high precision. For other important auxiliary machine parameters, a software tool based on ARMAX time series parameter regression prediction is developed in this paper. The user can predict the trend of the parameters simply by setting them up.


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