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发布时间:2018-03-08 09:47

  本文选题:饮用水 切入点:总有机碳 出处:《上海师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:饮用水安全直接影响居民健康与安全。因地表水污染严重城市供水血临巨大压力,且城市供水水厂多是常规水处理工艺,难以应对水源水质的复杂变化,尤其是对水中种类繁多的微量有害有机物的去除效果较差。因此,对家庭起到末保护作用的家用净水器应运而生。通过活性炭和膜过滤等多种深度净水工艺联合,家用净水器可有效去除嗅味、余氯、微生物、有机物和重金属等,因此,家用净水器的实际净化性能成为影响净水器市场和居民饮用水安全的关键。 本研究主要包括两部分,第一部分对城市管网末端水进行水质调查,选择饮用水问题相对较为突出和典型的长三角地区为研究对象;第二部分,以嘉兴市为例开展初步的家用净水器市场调研,同时对多款活性炭型净水器进行长期动态跟踪测试,以研究净水器的实际净化性能变化规律。 结果表明: 1.对长三角地区13个城市的管网末端水进行了随机取样和水质监测,不同城市管网末端自来水水质检测结果均存在较大差异,以TOC结果为例,以水库水为水源如宁波、金华、台州等城市其白来水TOC值明显小于以河道水为水源如上海、无锡、苏州及嘉兴等城市,前者的TOC值皆低于1.0m/L,而后者都高于1.5mg/L,其中嘉兴最高,平均值为3.7mg/L,尽管部分城市采用臭氧-活性炭等深度处理工艺,但水源水质优劣直接决定居民饮用水质量;抽取部分市售瓶装和桶装饮用净水进行水质监测,发现饮用净水的TOC值与丽水、金华等水源较好的地区TOC检测值相相近,且皆小于1.0mg/L。因此,在接下来对家用净水器的净化性能研究中,设定净水器出水TOC的参考目标值为1.0mg/L,这时家用净水器的净化水水质接近水源较好地区的水平。 2.净水器种类繁多且不同组合工艺不同品牌的产品亦较多,针对嘉兴市部分居民家用净水器的调研结果,72%的净水器为进口品牌,50%的净水器的价格在2000元以上,净水器主要用途是代替白来水、方便居民饮水等。居民偏好于台式净水器,其中有74%加入超滤结构,26%为反渗透型净水器,不同净水器对TOC的去除率实时净化性能差异较大。 3.购置14款国内外知名品牌活性炭型家用净水器,以总有机碳(TOC)为测试指标,通过动态跟踪研究净水器对有机物去除率衰减趋趋势,评估其实际净化性能:运行初期,净水器出水TOC含量较进水含量明显降低,随着通水量增加(或使用时间增加),各款净水器TOC去除率哀减趋势表现显著差异,部分净水器衰减过快,以1.0mg/L为参考标准部分净水器的出水TOC穿透此线的通水量低十200L,仅有三款净水器(占评估总数21%)具有长期持续的净化性能(可持续净化超过1200L自来水),适合居民家庭实际长期使用。表明实验过程中不同类型家用净水器净化性能存在较大差异,居民需要根据地区水质特性选择合适的净水器以满足长期使用。
[Abstract]:The safety of drinking water directly affect people's health and safety. Because of surface water pollution of city water supply blood facing tremendous pressure, and city water supply plant is more than conventional water treatment process is difficult to cope with the complex changes in water quality, especially the poor effect on removal of trace harmful kinds of organic matter. Therefore, for the family to the end the protective effect of household water purifier emerged. By activated carbon and membrane filtration and other deep water purification process, can effectively remove the odor, chlorine, microbial household water purifiers, organics and heavy metals, therefore, the actual home water purifier purification performance becomes a key and drinking water purifier market the safety of the water.
This study mainly includes two parts, the first part of the city network terminal water quality survey, selection of drinking water problem is relatively prominent and typical area of the Yangtze River Delta as the research object; the second part, taking Jiaxing city as an example to carry out the preliminary household water purifier market research, with a variety of activated carbon water purifier for a long time in order to study the actual dynamic tracking test, water purifier purification performance change.
The results show that:
The end of the water pipe network 13 1. city of the Yangtze River Delta region were randomly sampled and water quality monitoring, detection results of different city tap water pipe ends are quite different, with the results of TOC as an example, the reservoir water such as Ningbo, Jinhua, Taizhou city and the water TOC value was significantly less than that in river water such as Shanghai, Wuxi, Suzhou and Jiaxing City, the former TOC values were less than 1.0m/L, and the latter is higher than that of 1.5mg/L, the highest in Jiaxing, the average value is 3.7mg/L, although part of the city by using ozone activated carbon treatment processes, but the water quality of drinking water directly determines the quality; extraction of bottled and bottled drinking water quality monitoring, found that drinking water TOC value and Lishui, Jinhua and other water areas with better TOC detection value is similar, and are therefore less than 1.0mg/L., next to the home water purifier In the study of purification performance, the reference target value of TOC of the water purifier is 1.0mg/L, when the purified water quality of the household water purifier is close to the level of the better water area.
2. water purifier of various kinds and different combination process of different brands of products is also more, according to the research results, some residents of Jiaxing city household water purifier, water purifier 72% imported water purifier brand, 50% of the price of 2000 yuan, mainly use the water purifier is instead of white water, drinking water for residents. Residents prefer desktop water purifier, which has 74% joined the 26% structure of ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis type water purifier, different water purifier on the removal rate of TOC real-time purification performance differences.
3. purchase of 14 domestic and foreign well-known brands of activated carbon type household water purifier, the total organic carbon (TOC) as the test index, through dynamic tracking research of water purifier removal rate attenuation trend of organic matter, evaluate the actual cleaning performance: the beginning of operation, the water purifier water content is TOC water content decreased significantly with the increase of water content, (or time), the water purifier, the removal rate of TOC attenuation trend showed significant difference, part of the water purifier decreases fast, with 1.0mg/L as the reference standard part of the effluent TOC water purifier through this line of low water content ten 200L, only three (water purifier accounted for 21% of the total) assessment with continuous purification performance (long-term sustainable purification of more than 1200L, suitable for household tap water) the actual use for a long time. During the experiment, the result indicated that the different types of household water purifier purification performance there is a big difference, according to the characteristics of water area residents need to choose Choose the appropriate water purifier to meet the long-term use.



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