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发布时间:2018-03-09 00:01

  本文选题:母线差动保护 切入点:采样值差动保护 出处:《电力系统自动化》2014年18期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:According to the characteristics of great sudden change of braking current in busbar differential protection, a scheme of distinguishing protection startup is put forward in this paper. After starting up, the protection can judge continuously whether the amplitude of three differential current sampling points is changing or not. Determines that the fault is a fault within or outside the area. When the fault is determined as a fault within the area, the open differential protection is opened, and the lock-in differential protection is determined for the fault out of the area. Considering that the differential protection can operate reliably when the fault is converted from the fault outside the area to the fault within the area, After the protection is judged as the fault outside the area, the re-action discrimination of the differential protection is needed, and two kinds of fault reaction schemes based on the sampling value of the differential current are put forward, one is based on the sampling value of the differential current, and the other is based on the sampling value of the differential current. The other is the differential reaction scheme after the differential current sampling value is processed.
【作者单位】: 许继集团有限公司;


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