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发布时间:2018-03-09 02:25

  本文选题:预留水位 切入点:全景 出处:《中国电机工程学报》2014年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:针对大型梯级水电年末预留水位优化问题,提出在给定置信度条件下的来水在险值(inflow at risk,IaR)方法,用以计算第1年可靠来水流量,并构建以发电收益最大化为目标的全景梯级水电跨年随机优化调度模型,使得年末预留水位能够适应第2年多种来水情况下的运行约束。采用条件风险价值(conditional value at risk,CVaR)指标衡量发电收益风险,并建立将发电收益经济性与风险性统一的双层规划模型。针对所建混合整数线性规划模型的解算,提出了主、子问题一体控制的最优奔德斯(Benders)分解方法,并对模型进行求解。对一个2级梯级水电站系统进行仿真分析,结果表明,所提出的全景跨年随机优化调度模型在不同风险偏好下,可以有效提高梯级水电站的跨年发电收益、减少弃水量,同时验证了最优奔德斯分解策略的高效性。
[Abstract]:In view of the problem of year-end reserved water level optimization of large-scale cascade hydropower, a method of calculating the reliable water flow in the first year is presented by using the method of inflow at riskat risk value under the condition of given confidence. A panoramic cascade hydropower stochastic optimal dispatching model with the goal of maximizing the revenue of power generation is constructed. The reserve water level at the end of the year can be adapted to the operational constraints of more than one kind of incoming water in the second year. The conditional value at Cvar (conditional value at RV) index is used to measure the risk of power generation revenue. A bilevel programming model which unifies the economy and risk of power generation income is established. For the solution of the mixed integer linear programming model, the optimal Benders decomposition method is proposed, in which the principal and sub-problems are controlled in one body. The simulation analysis of a two-stage cascade hydropower station system shows that the proposed panoramic transannual stochastic optimal dispatching model can effectively improve the annual generation income of cascade hydropower stations under different risk preferences. At the same time, the efficiency of the optimal Bendes decomposition strategy is verified.
【作者单位】: 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院;


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