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发布时间:2018-03-09 11:24

  本文选题:脱硫废水 切入点:液滴蒸发 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the increase of thermal power construction and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the treatment of sulfur dioxide in flue gas emissions from thermal power plants will be further deepened. The wet desulfurization process is widely used as the leading technology of flue gas desulfurization. At present, the most mature desulfurization technology in the world is the most advantageous limestone gypsum process. In the wet limestone washing flue gas desulfurization process, the chloride in the flue gas will dissolve. In order to solve this problem, the concentration of chlorine ion in desulfurization washing solution is increased, and the concentration of chlorine ion will cause the decrease of desulphurization rate and affect the quality of gypsum. A certain amount of waste water is usually discharged from the desulfurization process system and fresh absorbent solution is added to reduce the concentration of chlorine ion in the absorbent. This part of the waste water is the desulfurization wastewater, which contains a lot of chlorine ions, fluoride, etc. Nitrite and so on; heavy metal ions, such as copper and mercury ions; insoluble calcium sulfate and fine dust, etc. According to the characteristics of wastewater composition, the wastewater treatment process mainly adopts lime neutralization, flocculation clarification, etc. However, in order to remove some metal ions, special iron complexes and polymer drugs should be added as auxiliary flocculants. The wastewater treated by chemical method has high chlorine ion content, and the treated wastewater cannot be reused in the system. In addition, according to the national environmental protection requirements, desulphurization wastewater is not allowed to be discharged. Due to the difficult treatment of desulphurization wastewater, the industrial application of droplet evaporation for wastewater treatment has emerged in recent years. It is to spray the waste water into the flue between the air preheater and the electrostatic precipitator. The waste water is evaporated by hot flue gas, and the soluble solids in the wastewater are converted into crystalline salt solids, together with the particles in the wastewater. The zero discharge of waste water was realized by PCD device (particle control device) and fly ash. The evaporation conditions of waste water in flue were calculated and the influence of evaporation on dust collector and desulfurization was analyzed.


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