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发布时间:2018-03-10 18:08

  本文选题:绿色照明 切入点:商业照明 出处:《齐齐哈尔大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:20世纪90年代,绿色照明理念开始萌芽和发展,到今天已经深入人心。在众多的照明空间中,商业空间占总能耗的比重较大,加之人们对商业空间照明的要求越来越高,如何能够达到既节能降耗又获得优质的照明环境,这成为了一个重要的课题。而绿色商业照明需要先进的照明技术及灯具产品作为载体,而目前新型光源大功率白光LED的性能为绿色照明最大化提供了可能,随着LED技术的不断发展和完善,LED灯具将会逐渐取代传统金卤及卤素灯,成为绿色照明的主导。而开发优质的LED灯具更使商业照明节能作用事半功倍。 本文首先从绿色照明概念出发,探析绿色照明的相关理论,综合当下商业照明节能新需求,从而认识到商业绿色照明的必要性和重要性。另通过对商业照明灯具设计与发展的研究,探讨其分类和设计特点,,分析其照明的各要素和具体场景应用,并分析在新技术、新材料、新工艺不断涌现的背景下,绿色商业照明未来的发展趋势。从而引出以LED光源为核心的照明灯具是目前节能效果最突出的灯具产品。着眼当下,展望未来,以现有资源和条件为依托,选取某化妆品店为空间对象进行LED灯具的应用设计研究,最终落实到空间内单个灯具的设计与开发。通过实际案例的设计与探索,对未来LED商业照明灯具在设计和应用上提出前瞻性构想,使之更加符合绿色节能目标。
[Abstract]:In 1990s, the concept of green lighting began to sprout and developed, and it has been deeply accepted today. Among the numerous lighting spaces, commercial space accounts for a large proportion of the total energy consumption, and people demand more and more commercial space lighting. How to achieve both energy saving and high quality lighting environment has become an important issue. Green commercial lighting needs advanced lighting technology and lighting products as the carrier. At present, the performance of high-power white LED with new light source provides the possibility to maximize green lighting. With the continuous development and improvement of LED technology, it will gradually replace the traditional gold halogen and halogen lamps. Become the dominant green lighting. And the development of high-quality LED lighting more energy-saving commercial lighting with twice the result. Based on the concept of green lighting, this paper analyzes the related theories of green lighting, synthesizes the new demand for energy saving of commercial lighting. In order to realize the necessity and importance of commercial green lighting, through the study of the design and development of commercial lighting lamps, the classification and design characteristics of commercial lighting lamps are discussed, the elements of lighting and the application of specific scenes are analyzed, and the new technologies are analyzed. Under the background of new materials and new technology, the development trend of green commercial lighting in the future. Therefore, the lighting lamp with LED light source as the core is the most outstanding energy-saving luminaire product at present. Based on the existing resources and conditions, a cosmetic shop is selected as the space object to carry out the application design of LED lamps and lanterns, which is finally implemented to the design and development of single lamps in space. The future LED commercial lighting design and application in the forward-looking concept to make it more in line with the goal of green energy saving.


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