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发布时间:2018-03-13 23:27

  本文选题:风电机组 切入点:油液 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在现有风电机组齿轮箱状态监测及故障诊断技术中,齿轮箱振动状态检测的应用最为广泛,拥有较为可靠的故障诊断性能。然而,对于由磨损导致的齿轮箱早期故障征兆,振动检测往往无能为力。油液磨粒检测是一种通过对齿轮磨损所产生的磨粒进行分析从而对齿轮箱故障做出诊断的检测手段,对此类故障的诊断较为出色。因此,两种检测手段可以形成互补,提高风电机组齿轮箱的故障检测准确率。 论文首先对风电机组齿轮箱的基本构成和主要故障类型进行了简要介绍,对现有的振动状态检测手段和油液磨粒检测手段进行了研究。在此基础之上,论文提出了一种新型的、基于电磁感应原理的齿轮箱油液磨粒传感器结构,并对其进行了软件仿真。随后,论文对油液磨粒检测装置的信号处理电路进行了设计,并研制出了油液磨粒检测装置的样机。通过测试,该新型磨粒检测装置的检测灵敏度较之现有产品有了明显的提高。 为了提高风电机组齿轮箱的故障检测水平,论文在对风电机组齿轮箱典型故障及其故障检测手段进行了深入的研究之后,提出了一种结合了振动状态检测与油液磨粒检测的综合检测策略,并依据该策略进行了风电机组齿轮箱综合检测平台的开发。
[Abstract]:In the existing wind turbine gearbox condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technology, application of gear box vibration state detection is the most widely used, has the fault diagnosis performance more reliable. However, the early fault symptom caused by wear of gear box, vibration testing is often incapable of action debris. Detection is a kind of analyzing the abrasive wear of gear produced in order to make the detection means for diagnosis of gearbox fault diagnosis, the fault of the more outstanding. Therefore, two kinds of detection methods can complement each other to improve the wind turbine gearbox fault detection accuracy.
Firstly, basic structure and main fault of gearbox of wind turbine types are briefly introduced, the vibration detection means and existing oil debris detection means are studied. On this basis, the paper puts forward a new type of gear box, the principle of electromagnetic induction oil particle sensor structure based on and has carried on the simulation software. Then, the signal processing circuit of oil liquid particle detection device for grinding paper were designed and developed a prototype oil particle detection device. Through the test, the new particle detection sensitivity detection device compared with the existing products have been significantly improved.
In order to improve the level of fault detection of gearbox of wind turbine, the paper after the means of detection of wind power units of typical faults of gear box and its fault are studied, and put forward a comprehensive detection strategy is a combination of oil detection and vibration particle detection, and on the basis of the strategy for the development of wind turbine gear box of comprehensive testing platform.



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