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发布时间:2018-03-14 04:10

  本文选题:超声电机 切入点:电学模型 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着科学技术的进步,尤其是现代工业的兴起,对电机的要求不再只是提供动力,还对其提出了许多新的要求,诸如体积小,低噪音,抗电磁干扰和大扭矩等,由于传统电动机自身的缺陷已很难满足这些新的要求。为此,国内外的许多学者都在努力研究各式新型电机,其中最典型的一种新型电机就是超声电机(Ultrasonic Motor,简称USM)。超声电机具有结构简单紧凑、响应快、电磁兼容性和控制性能好等优点,已在航空航天、医疗器械、精密仪器、机器人等多个领域得到广泛的应用。本文以压电元件的逆压电效应为理论依据,通过振动方程详细阐述了直线超声电机的运动机理,并利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对电机定子进行建模及仿真分析,仿真包括模态分析和谐响应分析,从而得到电机定子的模态和最佳振动频率,验证电机运动原理的正确性。然后,根据压电换能理论,提出了超声电机定子的等效电学模型,利用电学量来表征机械量,这样便于驱动电路的设计和研究,利用导纳圆法对等效电路的四个参数进行粗计算,然后利用非线性最小二乘优化算法对参数进行精确计算,在通过所得的计算参数完成匹配电路的设计,并对整个电路进行仿真分析。同时,本文根据理论分析的结果提出了软硬件的设计要求,并根据需求给出了软硬件具体的设计方案。其硬件部分分为主控电路和驱动电路两部分。其主控电路的芯片是以ARM为内核的STM32芯片,负责信号发生,电机测速、通信等功能,驱动部分则主要采用以场效应管和变压器为主的逆变放大电路,在经过匹配环节最终驱动电机。其软件部分主要包括PWM信号发生部分,电机测速部分,通讯部分,电机位置控制部分。最后,完成其实验平台的搭建,对硬件设备进行了调试,测试了超声电机实验样机,通过一系列的实验验证了硬件设备的可靠、稳定的工作性能,也验证了超声电机样机设计的合理性和可行性。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, especially the rise of modern industry, the demand for motor is not only to provide power, but also to put forward many new requirements, such as small size, low noise, anti-electromagnetic interference and large torque, etc. Because of the defects of the traditional motor itself, it is difficult to meet these new requirements. For this reason, many scholars at home and abroad are working hard to study various new types of motors. The most typical new type of motor is ultrasonic motor. Ultrasonic motor has the advantages of simple and compact structure, fast response, good electromagnetic compatibility and good control performance. It has been used in aerospace, medical equipment, precision instruments, etc. Robot has been widely used in many fields. Based on the inverse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric element, the motion mechanism of linear ultrasonic motor is described in detail by vibration equation in this paper. ANSYS finite element analysis software is used to model and simulate the motor stator. The simulation includes modal analysis and harmonic response analysis, so as to obtain the mode and optimal vibration frequency of the motor stator, and verify the correctness of the motor motion principle. According to the theory of piezoelectric energy transfer, the equivalent electrical model of ultrasonic motor stator is proposed. The mechanical quantity is characterized by electrical quantity, which is convenient for the design and research of driving circuit, and the four parameters of equivalent circuit are roughly calculated by admittance circle method. Then the nonlinear least square optimization algorithm is used to calculate the parameters accurately, the matching circuit is designed by the calculated parameters, and the whole circuit is simulated and analyzed. According to the results of theoretical analysis, the design requirements of hardware and software are put forward in this paper. The hardware part is divided into two parts: main control circuit and drive circuit. The main control circuit chip is STM32 chip with ARM core, which is responsible for signal generation, motor speed measurement, communication and other functions. The driving part mainly uses the inverter amplifier circuit, which is based on FET and transformer, and finally drives the motor after matching link. The software part mainly includes the PWM signal generation part, the motor speed measurement part, the communication part. Finally, the construction of the experimental platform is completed, the hardware equipment is debugged, the ultrasonic motor experimental prototype is tested, and the reliable and stable working performance of the hardware is verified through a series of experiments. The rationality and feasibility of ultrasonic motor prototype design are also verified.


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