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发布时间:2018-03-14 05:07

  本文选题:FPGA 切入点:有源配电网 出处:《天津大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Real-time simulation system is an important platform and means for distribution network technology innovation, concept verification, algorithm testing, equipment research and development. The real-time simulation of active distribution network needs powerful computing ability to meet the real-time performance of digital simulation. In this paper, a new programmable logic device, FPGA, is used as the underlying hardware. The real time simulation modeling and system design method of active distribution system are studied, and the real time simulation system of active distribution network based on FPGA is developed. An overall framework of real-time simulation system for active distribution network based on FPGA is proposed, including: considering system-level parallelism, The multilevel parallel simulation framework of electrical system based on module level parallel and bottom level parallel, and the module level parallel design method based on node analysis are proposed, and the simulation framework of control system based on sequential solution is developed. In this framework, system-level parallelism, structure-level parallelism and low-level parallel multilevel parallel structures are considered, and an electrical and control system multi-rate interface method based on FPGA is proposed. The simulation framework shows strong parallelism and computing ability, which can meet the needs of real-time simulation of active distribution network under small step size. Based on the modeling requirements of active distribution network, the passive components, lines, power supply, circuit breakers, and circuit breakers are proposed. The component module design method of conventional distribution network components such as measuring elements is studied. The real-time simulation model and FPGA module design method of power electronic converter, an important component of distributed generation system, are studied. The FPGA module design method of typical distributed power supply and controller components is proposed, and the high parallelism of FPGA is fully considered in all component module designs. The example shows that the modeling method lays a foundation for high-speed simulation calculation. The detailed hardware design method of real-time simulator based on FPGA is put forward, including global control of simulation, solution of electric system, solution of control system. The design method of five modules of electrical and control system data interaction and simulation result output is given, and the connection relationship of these five functional modules is expounded in detail. The hardware parallelism of FPGA is brought into full play in the design of each module. The simulation interface between simulator and external physical equipment is designed, and the validity of the simulation interface is verified by simulation tests) based on the real-time simulation system developed in this paper. A real time simulation example of typical distribution network, photovoltaic power generation system, optical storage power generation system and active distribution network with photovoltaic power generation system is implemented. Compared with commercial electromagnetic transient simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC and commercial real-time simulation system RTDS, the transient process of system fault and power output are compared. The validity and validity of the real-time simulation system developed in this paper are verified by the scale of simulation.


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