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发布时间:2018-03-17 05:21

  本文选题:卫星遥感 切入点:燃煤电厂 出处:《清华大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:燃煤电厂是中国人为源二氧化硫(SO2)和氮氧化物(NOx)的主要排放源之一,对其排放的控制是中国完成SO2和NOx总量控制目标的关键。随着“十二五”期间中国SO2和NOx减排工作进入全面攻坚阶段,,对污染源的排放监管和减排评估工作成为环境管理层面的迫切需求。本研究通过卫星遥感技术定量分析了中国燃煤电厂的SO2和NOx排放量及变化趋势,为燃煤电厂的排放监管和减排评估提供了新的技术手段。 首先,通过背景残差校正、云压校正和AMF计算三方面的工作改进了OMI和SCIAMACHY卫星遥感SO2柱浓度反演算法中的关键参数,在此基础上建立了改进后的反演算法。与现有卫星业务算法产品相比,改进算法获得的SO2柱浓度数据质量有明显改善,可用于区域和局地尺度人为源排放变化的定量分析。其次,利用背景浓度拟合和非对称性拟合域选取等手段,建立了适用于中国复杂背景浓度条件下卫星遥感反演燃煤电厂排放的新方法。由该方法反演得到的SO2和NOx排放负荷与自下而上排放清单计算结果符合较好,说明卫星遥感方法可用于燃煤电厂SO2和NOx排放的定量评估。 在此基础上,利用OMI卫星遥感观测数据对中国大陆地区38个孤立燃煤电厂进行了SO2和NOx排放的高斯拟合反演。分析卫星观测孤立电厂附近SO2和NO2浓度的变化趋势以及脱硫设备实际运行前后卫星反演排放的变化,发现这些电厂的烟气脱硫设备在投产前期均未实际运行,且卫星反演计算得到的烟气脱硫设备实际运行后的综合脱硫效率明显低于环保部公布的脱硫效率。这一方法实现了利用卫星遥感技术对燃煤电厂脱硫设备运行效果的独立评估,可为目前我国重点排放源的排放监管和评估工作提供新的技术支撑手段。综合卫星观测和模型模拟结果分析了中国地区2005-2012年期间SO2和NO2浓度的变化趋势,发现中国东部地区“十一五”前期SO2和NO2浓度的迅速增长与新建电厂排放关系密切;“十一五”后期SO2浓度下降明显,证实了燃煤电厂脱硫对SO2总量减排的贡献。本研究利用卫星遥感定量分析中国燃煤电厂硫、氮排放的工作可以为中国的空气质量管理和减排决策等提供长期的科学支持。
[Abstract]:Coal-fired power plants are one of the major emitters of sulfur dioxide and no _ x). The control of its emissions is the key for China to achieve the goals of total SO2 and NOx control. As China's SO2 and NOx emission reduction work enters a critical stage during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, Emission regulation and emission reduction assessment of pollution sources have become an urgent need in environmental management. This study quantitatively analyzed the SO2 and NOx emissions and trends of coal-fired power plants in China by satellite remote sensing technology. It provides a new technique for emission regulation and emission reduction evaluation of coal-fired power plants. Firstly, through background residual correction, cloud pressure correction and AMF calculation, the key parameters of SO2 column inversion algorithm for OMI and SCIAMACHY satellite remote sensing are improved. On this basis, the improved inversion algorithm is established. Compared with the existing satellite service algorithm, the quality of the SO2 column concentration data obtained by the improved algorithm is obviously improved. It can be used for quantitative analysis of anthropogenic emission changes at regional and local scales. Secondly, using background concentration fitting and asymmetric fitting domain selection, A new method for estimating emissions from coal-fired power plants by satellite remote sensing under the condition of complex background concentrations in China has been established. The SO2 and NOx emission loads derived from this method are in good agreement with the results of bottom-up emission inventory calculation. The method of satellite remote sensing can be used for quantitative evaluation of SO2 and NOx emissions in coal-fired power plants. On this basis, Gao Si fitting inversion of SO2 and NOx emissions from 38 isolated coal-fired power plants in mainland China was carried out by using OMI satellite remote sensing observation data. The variation trend of SO2 and NO2 concentrations near isolated power plants observed by satellite and desulfurization equipment were analyzed. Before and after the actual operation of the satellite inversion of emissions changes, It is found that none of the flue gas desulphurization equipment in these power plants has actually been in operation in the early stage of commissioning. The comprehensive desulfurization efficiency obtained by satellite inversion calculation is obviously lower than that published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. This method realizes the independent evaluation of the operation effect of desulfurization equipment in coal-fired power plants by using satellite remote sensing technology. The results of satellite observation and model simulation are used to analyze the change trend of SO2 and NO2 concentrations in China from 2005 to 2012. It is found that the rapid increase of SO2 and NO2 concentrations in eastern China is closely related to the emission of new power plants, and the concentration of SO2 decreases obviously in the late period of the 11th Five-Year Plan. The contribution of desulfurization from coal-fired power plants to the total emission reduction of SO2 is confirmed. In this study, the quantitative analysis of sulfur and nitrogen emissions from coal-fired power plants by satellite remote sensing can provide long-term scientific support for air quality management and emission reduction decisions in China.


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