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发布时间:2018-03-17 17:21

  本文选题:储能系统 切入点:变流器 出处:《浙江大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会的发展和新能源技术的进步,风电和光伏等间歇式能源发电在电力系统中占有越来越重要的地位。而间歇式能源的随机性和间歇性对电网的安全稳定运行提出了新的挑战。储能系统则凭借其快速、可控的特点在提升电网的电能质量、运行稳定性及供电可靠性等方面发挥着重要作用,得到了广泛的应用,这对间歇式能源发电的弊端起到了重要的弥补作用。对储能系统及其应用的研究成为近年电力系统研究中的一大热点。然而,目前对于储能系统的故障诊断及保护方面的研究却不多。因此,对储能系统的故障诊断及保护方面进行深入的研究具有重要的意义。 本文以储能系统为研究对象,以电池储能系统为例,对储能变流器的数学模型进行了较为严格的推导,作为储能变流器设计的理论基础。同时对储能系统并网运行时的控制策略进行了研究,对储能变流器PQ控制的实现作了详细的分析。在对储能变流器数学模型和并网控制策略进行分析研究的基础上,在PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台上搭建了储能系统的仿真模型。 本文最重要的工作是对储能变流器的各种故障进行分析和仿真研究。储能变流器故障具体分为桥臂IGBT开路故障和短路故障两大类。各种故障具有不同的特点。在对电池储能系统变流器开路故障特性进行分析的基础上,对变流器交直流侧电气量的变化进行定性的描述,从中获得可以反映变流器故障的特征量作为故障诊断与定位的依据。对电池储能系统变流桥短路故障的各种情况及变流桥IGBT的闭锁情况进行列举,对各种可能进行细致的分析,绘制各种情况下的故障分析的等效电路,采用状态变量分析法或暂态电路分析的三要素法对等效电路进行分析。最后,借助PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台对储能系统变流桥IGBT的开路故障和短路故障的各种情况进行了仿真研究,并提出了较为合理的故障诊断和保护的建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and the progress of new energy technology, Intermittent energy generation, such as wind power and photovoltaic, plays an increasingly important role in the power system. The randomness and intermittency of intermittent energy present a new challenge to the safe and stable operation of power grid. The controllable characteristics play an important role in improving the power quality, operation stability and power supply reliability of the power network, and have been widely used. This has played an important role in making up for the disadvantages of intermittent energy generation. The research on energy storage system and its application has become a hot spot in power system research in recent years. However, At present, there are few researches on fault diagnosis and protection of energy storage system. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the fault diagnosis and protection of energy storage system. Taking the energy storage system as the research object and taking the battery energy storage system as an example, the mathematical model of the energy storage converter is deduced strictly in this paper. As the theoretical basis of the design of the energy storage converter, the control strategy of the energy storage system in grid-connected operation is also studied. The realization of PQ control of energy storage converter is analyzed in detail. Based on the analysis of mathematical model and grid-connected control strategy of energy storage converter, the simulation model of energy storage system is built on PSCAD/EMTDC simulation platform. The most important work of this paper is to analyze and simulate the various faults of the energy storage converter. The faults of the energy storage converter can be divided into two categories: the open circuit fault of the bridge arm IGBT and the fault of short circuit. All kinds of faults have different characteristics. Based on the analysis of open circuit fault characteristics of converter of battery energy storage system, The change of AC / DC side electrical quantity of converter is described qualitatively. The characteristic quantity which can reflect the converter fault is obtained as the basis of fault diagnosis and location. The various cases of converter bridge short circuit fault and the locking situation of converter bridge IGBT in battery energy storage system are listed, and the various possibilities are analyzed in detail. Draw the equivalent circuit of fault analysis under various conditions, use the state variable analysis method or the three-element method of transient circuit analysis to analyze the equivalent circuit. Finally, The open circuit fault and short circuit fault of converter bridge IGBT of energy storage system are simulated by means of PSCAD/EMTDC simulation platform, and some reasonable fault diagnosis and protection suggestions are put forward.


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