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发布时间:2018-03-18 05:25

  本文选题:间歇式能源 切入点:优化调度 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来我国间歇式能源的开发,控制和应用技术飞速发展,随着环境问题和传统化石能源匮乏问题的日益严重,新能源在电网中的应用研究成为未来电网的发展的重要方向。但是间歇式能源发电具有随机性和波动性,,难以进行准确预测,目前在间歇式能源接入后的电网发电调度方法,系统协调调度方面都缺乏新的支撑技术,传统的发电调度面临着新的改变,迫切需要在充分考虑间歇性能源发电特性和保障系统安全经济运行的基础上,研究如何实现间歇式能源接入的系统调度全局最优化问题。 本文首先建立了风电接入后的电网优化调度模型。在对风电建模的基础上,针对风电的波动性和不确定性,将备用容量的安排同风电预测误差概率评估相结合,并依此建立风电的价格补偿模型。同时考虑火电机组的排污特性,建立火电的价格补偿模型。在保证系统安全运行约束的条件下,为间歇式能源接入的电网提供一个能够充分考虑政策环境安全影响的,统计意义上更加合理的经济调度模型。 同时,本文研究适应现有五级调度分层分区体系的分布式调度协调算法,实现分层分区的系统调度方案。本文中采用地理分区的原则,根据电网的实际情况,将系统进行分解,形成多个分区,提出通过拉格朗日松弛法和辅助问题原理想结合的电网分布式协调优化调度模型,形成电力系统调度的分布式并行框架,解决电力系统调度计算内存不足,维数灾的问题。 在此基础上,本文最后对该分布式并行算法的实用化进行了探究。考虑多分区所存在的多平衡节点问题,建立了多分区平衡节点的协调方法。并针对实际的区域内的协调调度模式,探讨了动态联络线传送功率条件下的实用化分布式协调计算,并验证其有效性。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of intermittent energy development, control and application technology in China, the environmental problems and the shortage of traditional fossil energy are becoming more and more serious. The research on the application of new energy in power grid has become an important direction of the development of power grid in the future, but intermittent energy generation has randomness and volatility, so it is difficult to make accurate prediction. There is a lack of new supporting technology in system coordination scheduling, and the traditional generation scheduling is facing new changes. Therefore, it is urgent to consider the characteristics of intermittent energy generation and ensure the safe and economic operation of the system. This paper studies how to realize the global optimization of system scheduling for intermittent energy access. In this paper, the optimal dispatching model of wind power network after wind power is connected is established. Based on the wind power modeling, the arrangement of reserve capacity is combined with the probability evaluation of wind power prediction error in view of the volatility and uncertainty of wind power. According to this model, the price compensation model of wind power is established. Considering the emission characteristics of thermal power units, the price compensation model of thermal power is established. Under the condition of ensuring the safe operation of the system, It provides a more reasonable economic dispatch model in statistical sense for intermittent power grid which can fully consider the impact of policy environment security. At the same time, this paper studies the distributed scheduling coordination algorithm which adapts to the existing five-level scheduling and hierarchical partition system, and realizes the hierarchical system scheduling scheme. In this paper, the principle of geographical partition is adopted, and according to the actual situation of the power network, The system is decomposed into several partitions, and a distributed coordinated and optimal dispatching model based on Lagrangian relaxation method and auxiliary problem theory is proposed to form a distributed parallel framework for power system scheduling. To solve the problem of insufficient memory and dimension disaster in power system dispatching calculation. On this basis, this paper finally explores the practicality of the distributed parallel algorithm, considering the problem of multi-balanced nodes in multi-partition. The coordination method of multi-partition balanced nodes is established, and the practical distributed coordination calculation under the condition of dynamic tie-line transmission power is discussed, and its validity is verified.


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