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发布时间:2018-03-18 18:02

  本文选题:列车不断电过分相 切入点:电子开关 出处:《北京交通大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:摘要:在单相工频交流供电的铁路牵引供电系统中,由于分相区的存在,在一定程度上制约了电气化铁路向更高速、更重载的方向发展。本文围绕列车过分相时实现不断电、无冲击两大目标,基于电流信息进行列车不断电过分相系统的研究,研究的问题主要包括系统方案、列车位置检测方案、列车过分相电气暂态过程、电子开关工程设计等几个方面。 本论文对现有的列车自动过分相技术方案进行了对比,重点研究了地面自动过分相的现有系统方案和列车位置传感器,并分析了它们的优点与不足。在此基础上对电子开关列车不断电过分相进行系统优化,提出了列车不断电过分相系统的两种新方案,分别是中性区无位置传感器的系统方案和中性区安装一套位置传感器的系统方案。基于接触网电压和列车电流信息,进一步研究了地面电子开关的控制时序。本论文提出的方案,可有效缩短列车过分相的断电时间,列车过分相时可保持牵引力不丢失。 本论文针对现有列车位置检测方法应用于电子开关系统中存在的不足,提出了基于接触网电流信息的列车位置检测方法。通过研究牵引供电方式、接触网结构分析了该方法的可行性。对接触网阻抗单元进行建模,得出了承力索电流和吊弦电流的分布规律。提出了一种基于承力索电流信息的列车位置检测方法和三种基于吊弦电流信息的列车位置检测方法。以上列车位置检测是通过监测接触网电流来实现的,因此本文设计了电流监测装置,并设计了将电流监测装置安装在支柱和腕臂上的安装方式。本文提出的列车位置检测方法可准确的定位列车受电弓的位置。 本论文从理论上对列车过分相的电气暂态过程进行了研究,探讨了过电压和过电流产生的机理。通过对暂态过程的分析提出了地面开关切换过程中抑制过电流的解决方案,实现列车无冲击通过分相区。在电子开关控制过程中,接触网电压和开关负载电流的相位信息非常重要,本文对常见的几种相位检测方法进行了研究和对比,加权最小二乘法响应快,鲁棒性好,在谐波含量较大的电压波形中能准确的检测出基波相位,将该相位检测方法用于电子开关的列车带电过分相系统中检测电压、电流相位可以得到最优的结果。 本论文进行了电子开关的器件选型和串联器件均压电路设计。并对晶闸管串联阀组的门极触发进行的研究,基于光隔离驱动技术研究了高压自取能技术,设计了从高压侧直接获取电能提供给晶闸管门极触发电路的取能电路,实验结果表明该取能电路可以满足高压晶闸管串联阀组的触发电路的电源需求。
[Abstract]:Abstract: in the single-phase AC power supply of railway traction power supply system, due to the existence of phase, constrained to a certain degree of electrified railway to more speed, more heavy direction. This paper focuses on the train when not excessive power, without the impact of the two major goals of research based on the current information of power train phase separation system, studies the problems mainly including system scheme, train position detection scheme, the train passing electrical transient process, electronic switch several engineering design.
In this paper, the existing automatic train phase scheme were compared, focusing on the ground automatic convert the existing system and train position sensor, and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages. On the basis of the electronic switch train phase uninterruptible power system optimization, puts forward two new schemes for power train phase separation system, respectively is the system scheme of sensorless neutral zone and the neutral zone to install a position sensor. The catenary voltage and current train based on further research on ground control timing electric switch. The proposed scheme can effectively shorten the outage time of train passing train. Excessive phase can be maintained when the traction is not lost.
This thesis focuses on the application of the existing train position detection method for electronic switch in the system, put forward the train position detection method based on current information catenary. Through the research of traction power supply system, the catenary structure is analyzed. The feasibility of the method for modeling contact impedance elements, obtained distribution of bearing cable and current hanger current. Based on the train position detection method of catenary current information and three kinds of train position detection method based on current information. Hanging above the train position detection is achieved by monitoring the catenary current, this thesis designed a current monitoring device, and designed the installation methods of current monitoring device is mounted on the pillar and wrist arm. The position of the pantograph positioning train position detection method in this paper can be accurate.
This paper from the theory of electrical transient process of phase separation was studied on the train, discussed the mechanism of overvoltage and overcurrent generated. Through the analysis of the transient process is proposed to suppress the solution to current switching process of ground switch, train no impact by phase. In the electronic switch control process. Catenary voltage and load current of the switch phase information is very important, this paper has conducted the research and comparison of several common phase detection method, the weighted least squares method of fast response, good robustness, can detect accurately the fundamental phase voltage waveform in large harmonic content, the phase detection method for detecting the voltage charged electronic train switch over phase system, the phase current can get optimal results.
This paper device selection electronic switch and serial devices are pressure circuit design. And the thyristor series valve gate trigger for research, optical isolation driving technology of high-pressure self energy technology based on the design from the high voltage side direct access to electrical energy that is supplied to the thyristor gate trigger can take the experimental results show that the circuit, the power circuit of high voltage thyristor series valve trigger circuit of power supply and demand.



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