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发布时间:2018-03-18 19:39

  本文选题:可靠性评估 切入点:风险评估 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The reliability of relay protection and the reliability evaluation of large power network are two hot topics in the research of power system reliability. In this paper, the failure rate estimation of relay protection and the reliability evaluation of transmission system considering the failure of protection are studied respectively. The main research contents and results of this paper are as follows: 1) A new method for calculating the failure rate of relay protection by comprehensive use of statistics and state scoring is proposed. Firstly, based on the alarm information, the protection components are proposed. Statistical failure rate calculation method; Secondly, the calculation model of state score and operation failure rate is constructed, and the operation failure rate of each component is obtained by combining the state information. The comprehensive failure rate of each component and the overall failure rate of the protection system are obtained by weighted and accumulative methods respectively. The calculation and analysis of the historical operation alarm and operation state information of a provincial electric power company show that the failure rate of each component and the overall failure rate of the protection system are calculated and analyzed. The method proposed in this paper is correct and effective. (2) based on the analysis of the influence of the failure of two types of protection, the failure of circuit breaker and the cooperation between the protection system on the line outage, In this paper, a new method for reliability analysis of transmission system based on line integrity model and sequential Monte Carlo simulation is proposed. Firstly, a complete Markov model of transmission line which can take into account the effects of protection and circuit breaker failure is established, and then according to the model, The sequential Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the state of power system including primary and secondary equipment, and various reliability indexes are calculated. In this paper, a key protection identification method based on reliability and risk assessment is proposed, which realizes the reliability analysis of complete power system. Firstly, combined with the theory of risk assessment, the importance index of protection operation is proposed. In this way, the failure risk and operation importance of each protection are expressed, and the sequential Monte Carlo method is used to analyze and calculate the failure consequences of the protection. Combined with the reliability analysis and calculation of the protection failure probability, the operation importance index of each station protection is comprehensively calculated, and the key protection identification in power system operation is realized by sorting it.


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