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发布时间:2018-03-19 13:51

  本文选题:工业设计 切入点:艺术设计 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:人们日常生活工作的室内环境空气质量与人们的健康密切相关。近些年来,各种有毒的装修材料和家具产品进入广大家庭和办公环境,使得各种与室内空气相关的疾病渐渐抬头。2003年的非典令人记忆犹新,2011年福岛核泄漏以及2012年PM2.5概念的迅速普及,以至于空气质量问题成为2013年全年乃至2014年初持续热议的话题。 虽然空气净化器产品早已问世多年,但由于人们观念意识的局限,一直处于边缘化地位,直至关于空气质量的各类敏感字眼儿时时敲击人们紧绷的神经,促使人们开始迫切寻求应对空气污染的有效途径,为空气净化器产业带来了爆发式增长的机遇。空气净化器广泛应用于家庭、医疗、工业等领域。对于一般大众来说,在相对封闭的空间里,针对空气污染物释放具有持久性和不确定性等特点,利用空气净化器提高室内空气质量的确是行之有效的方法。随着近来国内空气质量的急骤恶化,空气净化器市场由门可罗雀一夜之间门庭若市,各大国际厂商纷纷进军中国市场。如何使国产品牌在这场充满竞争的盛宴中立于不败之地,是国产品牌的当务之急,产品造型设计无疑是设计的重头戏。 工业产品造型设计是以产品为主要研究对象、目标,是将科技、艺术、经济三者在产品上统一起来,以更好的满足人们物质生活和精神生活的需要,创造出完美的产品。[1]产品造型设计是体现产品设计思想的媒介,是实现产品功能的外衣。Walter Gropius强调工业设计是工艺、技术与艺术的和谐统一,在笔者看来,应该补充为“工业设计是工艺、技术、艺术与精神的和谐统一”。好的功能同时应具有好的外型,寻求功能与外型的完美结合是产品设计师永恒的追求。好的产品造型设计不仅要美观,还要很好实现产品的使用功能,符合设计伦理,准确传达产品内在精神、文化语义,与使用者产生心灵的共鸣。随着技术的不断成熟,空气净化器经历着迅速的技术改良与变革,外型设计也不断推陈出新,,为人们赏心悦目地改善室内空气品质,进而提高人们的生活质量做出贡献。 本文综合分析了空气净化器产业概况与市场前景,指出空气净化器产品造型设计的必要性和紧迫性,通过空气净化器造型设计案例,结合家用空气净化器的功能、材料、结构等技术因素及工业设计美学理论基础上,科学评价目前市场主流空气净化器产品造型设计,进而推论未来家用空气净化器产品造型设计的发展趋势,力求为国产品牌从造型设计方面寻求新的市场突破点,对于家用空气净化器造型设计与创新研究具有一定理论价值、经济价值和社会价值,以期为国产空气净化器品牌进一步的创新发展提供有益的参考。
[Abstract]:The indoor air quality of people's daily life and work is closely related to people's health. In recent years, a variety of toxic decoration materials and furniture products have entered the vast household and office environment, The SARS outbreak on 2003 was still fresh, and the Fukushima nuclear leakage in 2011 and the rapid spread of the PM2.5 concept on 2012 made air quality a hot topic for the whole year of 2012 and for 2012. Although air purifier products have long been available for many years, they have been marginalized because of the limitations of people's consciousness, until all kinds of sensitive words about air quality always hit people's tense nerves. It has prompted people to urgently seek effective ways to deal with air pollution, which has brought about an opportunity for explosive growth in the air purifier industry. Air purifiers are widely used in family, medical, industrial and other fields. For the general public, In a relatively closed space, the use of air purifiers to improve indoor air quality is indeed an effective way to improve indoor air quality in view of the persistence and uncertainty of air pollutant release. With the recent rapid deterioration of domestic air quality, In the air purifier market, all major international manufacturers have entered the Chinese market overnight. How to keep domestic brands in an invincible position in this competitive feast is a top priority for domestic brands. Product modeling design is undoubtedly a major part of design. The industrial product modeling design is to take the product as the main research object, the goal is to unify the science and technology, the art, the economy in the product, in order to better satisfy the people's material and spiritual life needs. Creating perfect products. [1] Product modeling design is the medium of product design thought, and it is the coat of realizing product function. Walter Gropius emphasizes that industrial design is a harmonious unity of technology, technology and art. In the author's opinion, It should be added that "Industrial design is a harmonious unity of craft, technology, art and spirit." good functions should also have a good appearance, Seeking the perfect combination of function and appearance is the eternal pursuit of product designer. Good product modeling design should not only be beautiful, but also realize the function of product use, accord with design ethics, accurately convey product inner spirit, cultural meaning, With the development of technology, the air purifier has experienced rapid technological improvement and transformation, and the appearance design has been innovated constantly, which improves the indoor air quality pleasantly for people. Then improve people's quality of life to contribute. This paper comprehensively analyzes the general situation of air purifier industry and market prospect, points out the necessity and urgency of air purifier product modeling design, and combines the function and material of household air purifier with the case of air purifier modeling design. Based on the technical factors such as structure and the theory of industrial design aesthetics, this paper scientifically evaluates the current mainstream air purifier product modeling design in the market, and then deduces the developing trend of the future household air purifier product modeling design. In order to find a new market breakthrough point for the domestic brand from the aspect of modelling design, it has certain theoretical, economic and social value for the research of modeling design and innovation of household air purifier. In order to provide a useful reference for the further innovation and development of domestic air purifier brand.


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