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发布时间:2018-03-19 16:26

  本文选题:相量测量单元(PMU) 切入点:广域测量系统(WAMS) 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着智能电网的发展和电网联系日益紧密,维持电力系统的安全稳定运行变得尤为重要。电力系统振荡作为一种常见的非正常运行状态,可能造成电网潮流的改变,电压电流剧烈波动甚至系统崩溃,对系统的安全稳定运行有着极大影响。因此,对电力系统振荡进行深入研究,找到有效的振荡识别、振荡中心定位以及失步解列控制方案是保障电力系统安全稳定运行必不可少的内容。目前已有的方案大多基于本地量判断振荡与估计振荡中心位置,无法适应复杂大电网背景下安全稳定运行的要求。随着广域测量系统(Wide Area Measurement System,WAMS)、相量测量单元(Phasor Measurement Unit,PMU)以及高速光纤通信网在电力行业的应用,使得对广域信息进行综合和实时处理成为可能。WAMS系统能够提供大范围的电气量信息,从而使得振荡识别与振荡中心定位更加及时准确。本文提出了一种利用相量测量单元得到的广域信息跟踪振荡中心的方法,该方法依据线路两端母线电压相量和线路电压差相量的关系确定振荡中心位置并对其进行实时跟踪,不受振荡中心漂移的影响。当系统发生相继故障或连续开断造成振荡中心转移时,该方法仍能识别并跟踪。在此基础上,提出了失步振荡的检测判据及解列控制方案,设计了基于广域测量系统的距离保护振荡闭锁开放策略。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。
[Abstract]:With the development of smart grid and the increasingly close connection of power grid, it is particularly important to maintain the safe and stable operation of power system. As a common abnormal operation state, power system oscillation may cause power flow change. The sharp fluctuation of voltage and current and even the collapse of the system have great influence on the safe and stable operation of the system. Oscillation center location and out-of-step control scheme are essential to ensure the safe and stable operation of power system. At present, most of the existing schemes are based on local quantities to judge oscillation and estimate the location of oscillation center. With the wide area measurement system wide Area Measurement system WAMS, Phasor Measurement Unitro PMU) and high-speed optical fiber communication network applied in power industry, it can not meet the requirement of safe and stable operation under the background of complex large power network, with the application of wide area measurement system (wide Area Measurement system), Phasor Measurement Unitu (PMU) and high speed optical fiber communication network in power industry. Make it possible to synthesize and process wide area information in real time. WAMS system can provide a wide range of electrical information, In order to make oscillation identification and oscillation center location more timely and accurate, this paper presents a method of tracking oscillation center by using wide area information obtained from phasor measurement unit. According to the relationship between the voltage phasor of two bus and the phase quantity of line voltage difference, this method determines the position of the oscillation center and tracks it in real time. The method can still recognize and track the oscillation center when the oscillation center shifts due to successive faults or continuous interruptions. On the basis of this, the detection criterion and de-listing control scheme of out-of-step oscillation are proposed. A range protection oscillation locking open strategy based on wide area measurement system is designed, and the effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation results.


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