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发布时间:2018-03-19 18:08

  本文选题:电网建设 切入点:项目管理 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The construction period is composed of a series of construction activities from the beginning to the completion of the project. Progress control is the effective supervision of the proposed work schedule within the established time limit. Control. In order to effectively control the progress of the project, we must establish a reasonable project schedule management system. The most fundamental thing is to understand the factors that affect the power grid construction projects. This paper makes a series of theoretical explanations in view of the difficulties in managing the progress of the projects mentioned above. And finally establish the power grid construction project management progress reading system software as a practical tool to solve this problem. In the introduction part of this paper first clear the background of the topic and the significance of the topic. On the basis of understanding the development situation and existing problems of the similar research at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the contents of this paper and the purpose and main work of this paper. Then, the basic concept of construction project schedule management is introduced. Specific analysis of several factors affecting the progress of construction projects, including human factors, relevant unit factors, external conditions and potential risk factors, Then it explains the difficulties of construction project schedule management and the problems needing attention in the process of management. After that, the purpose and main direction of the development of power grid construction project management progress reading system are summarized. The expected function and the innovation point of the project are described in detail, the development of the power grid construction project management progress reading system is described in detail, and the expected function of the power grid construction project management progress reading system is analyzed emphatically. Finally, This paper analyzes the application of the grid construction project calendar progress reading system from three aspects, which are the risk assessment of the development of the grid construction project management progress reading system, and the functions of the system. The evaluation of product quality and the evaluation of the application of technical methods are introduced. It is of great significance to popularize the system in the future. Based on the concrete theory, this paper establishes a report reading system for power network construction project management. Through the continuous analysis and improvement of the application of the system, the software of the system is finally popularized and applied better. And then effectively for the grid construction cause to create greater benefits.


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