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发布时间:2018-03-19 22:17

  本文选题:输电线路 切入点:风险管理 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Electric power industry is an important basic industry of the national economy and also an important public utility. Power security is directly related to the development of the national economy and the safety of people's lives and property. Transmission line engineering is an important part of transmission and transformation project construction. At the same time, transmission line project has the characteristics of high risk and frequent accidents, which can easily lead to the loss of people's lives and property. It is very important to carry on the risk management to the transmission line engineering construction. Based on the project "Construction Safety risk Model Establishment and Application of Transmission and Transformation Engineering", this paper has consulted the relevant literature and engineering data at home and abroad. This paper synthetically adopts the methods of theoretical research and case analysis to identify, analyze, evaluate and control the construction risk of transmission line engineering. The main achievements include: 1) according to the principle of minimum, reasonable and feasible risk, Combined with the relevant national norms, the risk acceptance criteria of transmission line engineering are formulated. The Delphi method is used to collect experts' judgment on the risk occurrence probability grade and risk loss consequence grade of each operation content, and the risk level of each operation content is obtained. On the basis of studying the construction technology of transmission line, combined with the experience of experts, the possible accidents of transmission line engineering are determined. The theory and method of system safety engineering are used to analyze these accidents. Get all kinds of risk factors that may lead to the accident, and then conclude the transmission line project risk identification list. On the basis of the obtained risk identification list, combined with the relevant laws, standards and existing theoretical research results, Based on the expert opinions collected by Delphi method, the risk evaluation index system is constructed, and the expert opinions are clustered to form a "typical ranking" table of the importance of the indicators. Then the weight value of each index is determined by "structure entropy weight method", and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is introduced to complete the construction of risk assessment model of transmission line engineering. Taking a 220KV power transmission and transformation project as an example, the above model is used to carry out risk evaluation. On the basis of the inherent risk of the project, the actual risk of the project is further determined. The result shows that the actual validity of the model is to analyze the causes, characteristics, consequences, external influence factors of each risk factor, etc., in order to eliminate or control the risk factors. Combined with the related theoretical research results, field investigation and the experience of the project construction personnel, the paper puts forward the risk pre-control measures. The results obtained in this paper provide ideas for the risk management of transmission line engineering. It has important theoretical value and practical application value to the whole transmission and transformation project construction.


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