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发布时间:2018-03-20 19:10

  本文选题:伞形结构 切入点:复合支柱绝缘子 出处:《电网技术》2014年10期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:为研究高海拔地区伞形结构对复合支柱绝缘子直流污闪特性的影响规律,对4种不同伞形结构的6支复合支柱绝缘子和1支无伞裙结构的复合支柱绝缘子在昆明特高压国家工程实验室进行了大量的直流人工污秽试验,分析了各类试品的爬距有效系数,用紫外放电成像仪对各类试品的局部放电现象进行观测,统计了紫外放电光子数,同时利用高速摄像机观察了不同伞形结构试品沿面电弧的发展情况,并分析了一大一中4小伞形复合支柱绝缘子伞裙参数对直流污闪电压的影响,结果表明:一大两小伞形是4种伞形中最优的伞形结构,该伞形试品的直流污闪电压和爬距有效系数均最高,等径伞伞形最差;各类试品的爬距有效系数随着盐密的增大而有所增加;等径伞伞形试品的紫外局部放电现象严重,电弧桥接现象最明显,导致爬距利用率最低,而大小伞交替伞形不仅紫外局部放电现象较弱,还能较好抑制电弧桥接现象,有效提高爬距利用率;建议在高海拔地区一大一中4小伞形复合支柱绝缘子的爬电系数取3.5左右,相邻伞间距不小于35 mm,但由于一大一中4小伞形相邻伞裙电弧桥接现象严重,即使改变伞裙参数也不能有效提高其直流污闪电压,因此,该伞形不如一大两小伞形。
[Abstract]:In order to study the influence of umbrella structure on DC pollution flashover characteristics of composite pillar insulators in high altitude area, A large number of direct current artificial contamination tests were carried out in Kunming UHV National Engineering Laboratory for 6 composite prop insulators with four different umbrella-shaped structures and one composite prop insulator with no umbrella skirt structure. The effective coefficient of crawling distance of all kinds of samples is analyzed. The partial discharge phenomena of various samples are observed by ultraviolet discharge imager, and the number of photons of ultraviolet discharge is counted. At the same time, the development of arcs along different umbrella structures is observed by using a high-speed camera, and the influence of the parameters of umbrella skirt on DC pollution flashover voltage is analyzed. The results show that one large and two small umbels are the best umbrella-shaped structures among the four kinds of umbels. The DC flashover voltage and the effective coefficient of climbing distance of the umbrella are the highest and the umbrellas with equal diameter are the worst. The effective coefficient of climbing distance increased with the increase of salt density, the phenomenon of ultraviolet partial discharge was serious, the phenomenon of arc bridge was the most obvious, which resulted in the lowest utilization rate of climbing distance. However, the Umbrella is not only weak in ultraviolet partial discharge, but also can restrain the arc bridging phenomenon and improve the utilization ratio of climbing distance. It is suggested that the creeping coefficient of insulators with a large, one medium and four small umbrella-shaped pillars should be about 3.5 at high altitude. The distance between the adjacent umbrellas is not less than 35mm, but the arc bridging phenomenon of the adjacent umbrella skirt is serious, even if the parameters of the umbrella skirt are changed, the DC pollution flashover voltage can not be effectively increased, so the umbrella shape is not as good as one large and two small umbrellas.
【作者单位】: 华南理工大学电力学院;南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司;
【基金】:the Projects of National Natural Science Foundation Program (51177052) the National Engineering Laboratory (Kunming) of UHV Engineering Technology foundation (NEL201306) the Fundamental Research Funds of the central universities (2013ZM0035) for financial support


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