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发布时间:2018-03-21 22:13

  本文选题:智能断路器 切入点:机械特性 出处:《西安工程大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As one of the essential equipments in substation, intelligent circuit breaker plays a protective and control role. The good health of intelligent circuit breaker is closely related to the normal operation of power system. Strict requirements for the service life and quality of circuit breakers are put forward. Therefore, the on-line monitoring and fault diagnosis of mechanical characteristics of intelligent circuit breakers emerge as the times require. This technology can grasp the health status of high voltage circuit breakers in real time. And the corresponding fault diagnosis is carried out in order to facilitate timely maintenance, which plays an important role in improving the intelligent level of power equipment. Firstly, this paper introduces the monitoring principle of the mechanical parameters of circuit breakers. According to the principle of monitoring, the calculation and analysis method of mechanical parameters is put forward. In this paper, the hardware design and software flow of intelligent circuit breaker on-line monitoring device are presented for TMS320F28335 chip, which integrates many functional modules. Therefore, the design of PCB circuit board is simplified, and the comprehensive software program of on-line monitoring device can acquire the mechanical parameter data information of the equipment stably and reliably. At the same time, this paper also puts forward the data preprocessing and filtering method of the original acquisition parameters. It ensures the accuracy of data acquisition. The mechanical parameters of the on-line monitoring device of intelligent circuit breaker mainly include the current of closing coil, the current of energy storage motor, the travel time characteristic of dynamic contact, the state of auxiliary contact, and so on. According to the characteristics of intelligent circuit breaker, a fault diagnosis algorithm based on rough set RBF neural network is introduced and analyzed in detail. Finally, the intelligent circuit breaker fault diagnosis is made by using the RBF neural network established by the decision table. In this synthesis algorithm, rough set can simplify the complex network made up of the data collected by the monitoring equipment. The minimum network can be obtained to meet the actual needs, thus reducing the training time of the RBF neural network. The on-line monitoring device for mechanical characteristics of intelligent circuit breakers has been successfully operated in Zhejiang Jiangshan Gushan Substation. Rough set -RBF fused in expert Software system of Gushan Substation. The neural network algorithm can accurately diagnose the health status of the circuit breakers. On-line monitoring and fault diagnosis of mechanical characteristics of intelligent circuit breakers can be well applied in practical engineering, which is of great significance for future power grid construction.


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