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发布时间:2018-03-22 07:29

  本文选题:500kV变电设备 切入点:带电水冲洗 出处:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:输变电设备外绝缘污闪是我国电力系统安全运行的主要威胁,带电水冲洗是防污闪的重要技术手段,目前在220kV及以下电压等级已经得到广泛应用,而500kV变电设备带电水冲洗此前还没有开展,基础理论研究和工程实践还处于空白状态。本文针对500kV变电设备带电水冲洗技术开展了系统研究,包括500kV变电设备带电水冲洗射流特性及清洗效率、带电水冲洗水柱绝缘性能、带电水冲洗支柱绝缘性能、带电水冲洗方法、装置及工程应用等方面,研究成果已在工程实践得到验证和应用。 带电水冲洗射流特性及清洗效率方面,结合水射流动力学基本理论,开展了带电水冲洗射流形态结构的数值仿真和摄影观测,得到了带电水冲洗射流形态、水柱截面宽度和水射流速度场分布,观测发现了水射流不同距离的丰富形态,提出了带电水冲洗水柱射流结构模型。建立了户外带电水冲洗测试场,提出了带电水冲洗打击力和清洗效率测试方法,开展了车载机械臂冲洗和人站在地面冲洗清洗效率对比测试,获得了带电水冲洗射流打击力和清洗效率与出口压强、喷嘴直径、水柱长度、作业方式及冲洗角度等的定量规律,为500kV带电水冲洗射流理论研究奠定了基础。 500kV变电设备带电水冲洗水柱绝缘方面,开展了500kV带电水冲洗水柱工频泄漏电流和操作波冲击放电特性试验,得到了水柱工频泄漏电流、操作冲击放电电压与水电阻率、水柱长度、喷嘴直径、压强等参数的定量规律,提出了500kV带电水冲洗水柱绝缘安全水柱长度的控制值,试验验证了规定的合理性。 500kV变电设备带电水冲洗冲洗方法方面,系统开展了500kV三枪及四枪带电水冲洗76种工况试验对比,将绝缘子表面泄漏电流波形等特征量用于绝缘带电水冲洗安全性定量评价,发现了带电水冲洗过程中泄漏电流幅度突增现象,得到了冲洗全过程电流幅度变化曲线及不同冲洗阶段带电水冲洗泄漏电流特征量,比较了三枪、四枪不同冲洗方法安全性以及不同盐密、灰密影响,提出了推荐的500kV变电设备带电水冲洗方法,500kV变电站试验场和运行中500kV变电站现场带电水冲洗验证了方法有效性和安全性。 500kV变电设备带电水冲洗装置方面,针对500kV变电设备带电水冲洗采用多枪时序冲洗存在枪数多、冲洗行程长、冲洗时间短、同步配合要求高的特点,在实现人员配合冲洗的基础上,基于机器人运动控制策略、摄影测量及PLC计算机触摸屏技术,开发了大车车载平台机器人带电水冲洗装置和小车车载平台机器人带电水冲洗装置,提出了两大车机器人冲洗、1大车4人冲洗、1大车2人2机器人冲洗、1大车两小车机器人冲洗等多种作业模式,实现了包括车载平台、机械臂、摄影测量装置、水射流控制装置等硬件设备在内的整体集成,解决了机械臂运动、出入仓、行程控制、摄影测量定位等关键技术难题,实现了单个或多组机械臂带动水枪按照标准冲洗程序对目标绝缘子实施自动冲洗,有力提高了作业安全性和自动化水平。 在500kV变电站试验场和运行中的500kV变电站开展了对500kV断路器、500kV单支柱绝缘子、500kV刀闸并列支柱绝缘子、HGIS套管和CVT现场带电水冲洗,验证500kV变电设备带电水冲洗模式有效性和安全性。基于研究成果编制完成了我国第一部《500kV输变电设备带电水冲洗作业技术规范》电力行业标准,规范了500kV典型变电设备冲洗方法。
[Abstract]:Power transmission equipment insulation flashover is a major threat to China's safe running of power system, electric water flushing is an important method to prevent pollution flashover, at 220kV and below voltage has been widely used, and 500kV substation equipment hotwashing had not been carried out, the basic theory research and engineering practice is still blank. According to the 500kV substation of hotwashing technology is studied, including the 500kV substation equipment of hotwashing jet characteristics and cleaning efficiency, hotwashing water insulation, hotwashing pillar insulation, flushing of charged water, equipment and engineering applications, the research results have been applied and verified in engineering practice.
Hotwashing jet characteristics and cleaning efficiency, combined with the basic theory of water jet dynamics, carried out numerical simulation of hotwashing and photographic observation structure of jet formation, the hotwashing jet form, column width and water jet velocity distribution, observation found water jet rich forms of different distance, is proposed hotwashing water jet structure model was established. The outdoor hotwashing test field, put forward hotwashing blow force and cleaning efficiency testing method, carry out the vehicle mechanical arm washing and cleaning efficiency test stand flush on the ground, the hotwashing jet impact force and cleaning efficiency and outlet pressure, nozzle diameter the water column length, quantitative rules, operation mode and flushing angle, laid the foundation for 500kV hotwashing theory of jet.
500kV substation equipment hotwashing water insulation, carried out 500kV hotwashing water power frequency leakage current and switching impulse discharge characteristics test, the water power frequency leakage current, switching impulse discharge voltage and water resistivity, water column length, diameter of the nozzle, the quantitative law of pressure and other parameters are proposed to control the 500kV in hot water flushing water insulation safety water column length value, verified the reasonableness of the regulation.
500kV substation equipment charged water washing method, system to carry out a 500kV gun and the four gun hotwashing in contrast to the 76 conditions will test, insulator leakage current waveform characteristics for insulation hotwashing quantitative safety evaluation, found hotwashing current amplitude sudden leakage in the process of increasing the phenomenon. Wash the curve of current amplitude changes in the whole process and different irrigation stage hotwashing characteristics of leakage current, compares the four different washing gun, gun safety methods and different ESDD, NSDD, proposed the 500kV substation equipment charged water washing method, 500kV test and field operation in 500kV substation substation in hot water flushing verified the effectiveness and safety of the method.
500kV substation equipment charged water washing device, according to the 500kV substation equipment hotwashing using multi gun timing flushing gun there is more, washing stroke length, washing time is short, synchronized with the characteristics of high requirement, in the implementation of personnel with the washing on the basis of the robot motion control strategy based on Photogrammetry and computer touch screen PLC the development of technology, the vehicle platform robot charged water washing device and car vehicle platform robot charged water washing device, the two car 1 car 4 robot wash, rinse, 1 car 2 2 1 car two car washing robot, robot and other washing operations, including the realization of the vehicle platform, manipulator, photography measuring device, control device hardware water jet equipment, the overall integration, solves the problem of mechanical arm movement, chamber, stroke control, key technical problems of photogrammetric positioning etc., A single or multiple group of mechanical arms is driven to drive the water gun to automatically clean the target insulator according to the standard flushing procedure, which improves the operation safety and automation level.
500kV substation in 500kV substation and the operation of the field test was carried out on the 500kV circuit breaker, 500kV single insulators, 500kV switch parallel insulators, HGIS tube and the CVT site of hotwashing, verification of 500kV substation equipment hotwashing mode is effective and safety. Based on the research results to complete the preparation of China's first <500kV transmission equipment hotwashing technical specification > operating power industry standard specification, 500kV typical substation equipment washing method.



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