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发布时间:2018-03-22 08:17

  本文选题:双环控制 切入点:自适应电压调节 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着芯片单位面积集成器件数量的急剧增加,以及处理器工作时钟频率信号的不断增高,降低处理器等设备的功耗已经迫在眉睫。近年来,自适应电压调节(Adaptive Voltage Scaling,AVS)技术作为一种新型有效的电源管理技术越来越受到研究者的重视。该技术可以根据不同的负载工作状态、制造工艺和环境温度自适应调节变换器输出电压,使得设备在完成同样任务下所消耗的能量最小。该电压调节技术可降低负载30%-70%的功耗。本文在简要介绍研究背景与意义的基础上,引出迄今应用于降低处理器等负载功耗的电源管理技术:DPM策略、DVS技术和AVS技术,并阐述其技术原理与发展动态。对比DPM策略,AVS技术是通过降低负载的工作电压而非关闭负载的供电;不同于DVS技术,AVS通过检测负载实时工作状态形成闭合环路而非通过电压-频率查找表开环调节负载工作电压。在对基于负载运行出错率、使用全数字DC-DC和采用延迟线检测三种AVS电路的分析基础上,本课题设计了一种基于双环控制的自适应电压调节电路。该电路使用延时线检测与计数统计结果作为负载工作电压是否满足工作需要的判断依据,自适应工艺、温度和负载的需要变化调节变换器输出电压。芯片最终使用0.13?m CMOS工艺流片。本文首先对基于双环控制的自适应电压调节电路的系统框图和各模块功能做了详细的说明。着重阐述了所设计AVS电路在启动以及调频-调压过程中系统的工作流程,并对该系统的稳定性从直观上作出分析。其次,本文详细介绍了初值设定逻辑、延时线检测模块、校正算法模块和限流快速比较器模块的工作状态、电路实现以及仿真结果。最后完成电路的整体设计与仿真、绘制版图以及确定封装方案。本文所设计的自适应电压调节电路的输入电压范围为2.7-4.2V,输出电压为0.7-1.5V,对应的设备工作频率为30MHz-120MHz。所设计系统的模拟主环路采用基于PWM调制模式的BUCK变换器模拟环路。通过与数字辅助电路以及延时线检测相结合,该电压调节电路的输出电压自适应的调节大小,并具有较小的纹波。与DVS技术相比,所设计电路最高可节约46.3%的能耗。
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase in the number of integrated devices per unit area of the chip and the increasing of the working clock frequency signal of the processor, it is urgent to reduce the power consumption of the processor and other devices in recent years. Adaptive Voltage scaling (Avs) technology, as a new and effective power management technology, has been paid more and more attention by researchers. The output voltage of the converter can be adjusted adaptively by manufacturing process and ambient temperature. This voltage regulation technology can reduce the power consumption of the load by 30% to 70%. This paper briefly introduces the research background and significance. This paper introduces the power management technology used to reduce the power consumption such as processor, such as the power management technology: DPM strategy, DVS technology and AVS technology. Compared with the DPM strategy, the DPM technology is to reduce the working voltage of the load rather than turn off the load power supply. Unlike DVS technology, it forms a closed loop by detecting the real-time working state of a load instead of adjusting the load working voltage by an open loop with a voltage-frequency lookup table. Based on the analysis of three kinds of AVS circuits using full digital DC-DC and delay line detection, In this paper, an adaptive voltage regulation circuit based on double loop control is designed. The temperature and load need to change to adjust the output voltage of the converter. The flow sheet of m CMOS process. Firstly, the system block diagram of adaptive voltage regulation circuit based on double loop control and the function of each module are described in detail. The design of AVS circuit in start-up and frequency modulation and voltage regulation process is emphatically described. The workflow of the system, The stability of the system is analyzed intuitively. Secondly, the working state of the initial value setting logic, the delay line detection module, the correction algorithm module and the current limiting fast comparator module are introduced in detail. Circuit realization and simulation results. Finally, the overall design and simulation of the circuit are completed. The adaptive voltage regulation circuit designed in this paper has an input voltage range of 2.7-4.2V and an output voltage of 0.7-1.5V. the corresponding operating frequency of the equipment is 30MHz-120MHz. the analog main loop of the designed system is based on PWM. Modulation mode BUCK converter analog loop. By combining with digital auxiliary circuit and delay line detection, The output voltage of the circuit can be adjusted adaptively and has small ripple. Compared with DVS technology, the designed circuit can save 46.3% of energy consumption.


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