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发布时间:2018-03-22 23:33

  本文选题:富氧炭 切入点:含氧官能团 出处:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:超级电容器是一种介于传统电容器与电池之间的新型储能装置,电极材料是决定其电化学性能的关键。表面官能团对电极材料表面性质起决定性作用,并对其电化学行为产生重要影响。本论文从前驱体入手,制备了本体富氧炭/金属氧化物复合材料,并作为电极材料在无机电解液体系中(3M KOH)和有机电解液体系中(1M Et4NBF4/PC)中进行了电化学性能测试。运用N2吸附、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)等技术手段对制备的活性炭进行结构及表面化学分析,研究了活性炭含氧官能团种类对活性炭电极材料电化学性能的影响。结果表明,含氧官能团在不同电解液中的电化学性能不同,不同类型的含氧官能团对电化学性能的作用也不相同。含氧官能团对电极材料电化学性能的影响来自三个方面:材料比表面积和孔径分布;赝电容;表面润湿性的改善。无机电解液体系中,含氧官能团对比电容的影响约为20%~40%。羟基、醚类提高了活性炭的表面湿润性,使活性炭电极材料的比表面积得到充分的利用;羰基和酚羟基可以产生赝电容。羧基会增加析氢反应,阻碍电极界面的充电过程,降低比电容量。在有机电解液体系中,含氧官能团对比电容的影响约为17%~42%。有机电解液中羧基可以减小漏电流和自放电性能,羰基和醌基同样具有积极作用,其他含氧官能团基本上是负面作用。同时也表明利用含氧官能团的强大络合能力可以通过一步炭化得到碳质氧化物复合材料。
[Abstract]:Supercapacitor is a new type of energy storage device between traditional capacitor and battery. Electrode material is the key to its electrochemical performance. Surface functional group plays a decisive role in the surface properties of electrode material. In this paper, the bulk oxygen-enriched carbon / metal oxide composites were prepared from the precursor. The electrochemical properties were tested in inorganic electrolyte system (3M KOH) and organic electrolyte system (1M et 4NBF 4 / PCC) as electrode materials. The system was prepared by N 2 adsorption X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and other techniques, such as N 2 adsorption X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and so on. Structural and surface chemical analysis of the prepared activated carbon, The effects of oxygen functional groups on the electrochemical properties of activated carbon electrode materials were studied. The results showed that the electrochemical properties of oxygen functional groups were different in different electrolytes. The effects of oxygen functional groups on electrochemical properties of electrode materials come from three aspects: specific surface area and pore size distribution, pseudo-capacitance; Improvement of surface wettability. In inorganic electrolyte system, the effect of oxygen functional groups on capacitance is about 20%. Hydroxyl group and ether improve the surface wettability of activated carbon and make full use of the specific surface area of activated carbon electrode material. Carbonyl group and phenolic hydroxyl group can produce pseudo-capacitance. Carboxyl group increases hydrogen evolution reaction, hinders the charging process of electrode interface, and reduces specific capacitance. The effect of oxygen functional groups on capacitance is about 17 / 42.The carboxyl group in organic electrolyte can reduce leakage current and self discharge performance, and carbonyl and quinone groups also play a positive role. Other oxygen-containing functional groups are basically negative, and it is also shown that carbonaceous oxide composites can be obtained by one step carbonization by using the strong complexing ability of oxygen-containing functional groups.


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