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发布时间:2018-03-23 23:10

  本文选题:监控 切入点:架构 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of substation monitoring technology, especially the continuous improvement of automation level, industrial production, commerce, and daily life demand more and more for transmission and distribution. Substation, as an important link of transmission and distribution, requires more and more automation. Improving the monitoring level of monitoring system can promote the substation to form a management system that integrates digitization, networking, intelligence and automation. Optimizing the substation monitoring system to provide a practical, safe, advanced and friendly system for the majority of users can not only ensure the safe operation of the substation, but also meet the high standards and requirements of the substation monitoring system. And it can solve the problem of substation safety maintenance, it can be described as "kill two birds with one stone". Therefore, it is of great significance to study the transformation and implementation of substation monitoring system. Firstly, this paper introduces the general situation of three stages in the development of monitoring system. The scope of application in substation and the scope of transformation of 110kV Dongqiao substation monitoring system. Secondly, the technical analysis of substation automation system is carried out, and the centralized and decentralized structure of automation system is expounded. This paper introduces the communication mode of substation monitoring system, defines the communication purpose, communication transmission mode, communication interface, and analyzes the characteristics of various system structures and communication modes. At the same time, the paper also gives similar descriptions of other functions of the substation, such as substation data monitoring, substation safety monitoring, normal switching and operation, and so on. This not only puts forward higher technical requirements for substation monitoring system, but also lays the theoretical foundation for the transformation of monitoring system. Then, this paper proposes a design scheme and configuration for the characteristics of 110kV Dongqiao substation monitoring system before transformation. Including system structure selection, system communication mode selection, hardware equipment configuration and some communication schemes selection. Finally, some construction techniques in the process of monitoring and transformation are proposed and possible hazard points are drawn up. It is an important guarantee to strengthen the safety and stable production of power network to upgrade and transform the supervisory control system of Dongqiao substation, which is an imperative project.


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